(360) 2018 휴고보스상 수상작가 시몬 리(Simone Leigh)@구겐하임 뮤지엄(4/19-10/27)
The Hugo Boss Prize 2018
Simone Leigh, Loophole of Retreat
April 19-October 27, 2019
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Simone Leigh, Jug, 2019, Bronze, 214.6 x 126 x 123.8 cm
시몬 리(Simone Leigh)는 올해 최고의 해를 맞았다. 2018 구겐하임 뮤지엄 휴고 보스(Hugo Boss)상 수상작가 개인전 'Loophole of Retreat'(4/19-10/27)을 열고 있으며, 하이라인(High Line) 공원에서 대형 조각 브릭 하우스(Brick House, 6월-9월)가 전시된다. 그리고, 51세에 휘트니 비엔날레에 초대됐다.
1968년 시카고에서 자마이카 출신 부모 사이에서 태어난 시몬 리는 얼햄대(인디애나주 리치몬드)에서 철학을 전공했다. 로드아일랜드디자인스쿨(RISD) 도예과에서 가르쳐왔다. 2016년 뉴욕 뉴뮤지엄의 개인전 '대기실(The Waiting Room)'의 한 프로그램으로 "Black Women Artists for Black Lives Matter" 그룹을 조성했다.
Simone Leigh, Sentinel, 2019, Bronze and raffia, 198.1 x 166.4 x 102.9 cm
Simone Leigh, Panoptica, 2019, Terracotta pipe and chimney, steel, and raffia, 317.5 x 304.8 cm
Simone Leigh, Loophole of Retreat (detail), 2019, Concrete blocks and sound, 6 min. 44 sec.
Simone Leigh
Simone Leigh (b. 1967, Chicago) lives and works in Brooklyn. Solo presentations of her work have been hosted at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Marcus Garvey Park, New York (organized by the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; both 2016?17); New Museum, New York (2016); Atlanta Contemporary Art Center; Stuyvesant Mansion, Brooklyn (organized by Creative Time, New York; both 2014); and The Kitchen, New York (2012). In 2018 Simone Leigh was selected to create the High Line Plinth’s inaugural commission, which will be on view later this year. The artist’s work will be featured in the upcoming Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, and has previously been including presentations such as the Berlin Biennial (2018); Trigger: Gender as a Tool and a Weapon, New Museum, New York (2017?18); Unconventional Clay: Engaged in Change, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri (2016); Greater New York, MoMA PS1, Long Island City (2015?16); Radical Presence: Black Performance in Contemporary Art, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (traveled to Grey Art Gallery, New York University; Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco [2012?15]); The Dakar Biennial (2014); Whitney Biennial (2012); 30 Seconds Off an Inch, Studio Museum in Harlem, New York (2009?10); The Future as Disruption, The Kitchen, New York; and Intersections: Defensive Mechanisms, Abrons Art Center, New York (both 2008). Her work has been recognized with awards and honors from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, New York (2018); Studio Museum in Harlem, New York (2017); A Blade of Grass, New York (2016); John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York (both 2016); Creative Capital, New York (2012); and the Joan Mitchell Foundation (2011).

▶개관시간: 일-수요일 오전 10시-오후 5시45분, 토요일 오전 10시-오후 7시45분, 목요일 휴관, 추수감사절•크리스마스 휴관.
▶입장료: $25(성인), $18(학생, 65세 이상 노인) 12세 미만 어린이 무료. *토요일 오후 5시 45분-7시 45분 마음대로 내세요.
1071 5th Ave. 88th St. 212-423-3500, http://www.guggenheim.org.