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메트로폴리탄 오페라가 1월 15일부터 풀랑 작곡 '카르멜회 수녀들의 대화(Dialogues des Carmélites)'를 공연한다. 이 작품은 프랑스 혁명 공포정치 막바지였던 1794년 단두대에서 순교한 콩피에뉴 카르멜(갈멜) 수녀원 소속 수녀 16인의 실화를 바탕으로 한 오페라다. 




Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmélites Returns to the Met on January 15

Ailyn Pérez, Christine Goerke, Jamie Barton, and Alice Coote join French soprano Sabine Devieilhe in her Met debut


New York, NY (January 4, 2022)—John Dexter’s classic production of Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmélites returns to the Met stage for five performances, starting January 15. With sopranos Ailyn Pérez as Blanche de la Force and Christine Goerke as Madame Lidoine, the distinguished cast also includes mezzo-sopranos Jamie Barton as Mother Marie and Alice Coote in her role debut as Madame de Croissy. French soprano Sabine Devieilhe makes her highly anticipated Met debut as Sister Constance. The cast also includes bass-baritone Laurent Naouri as the Marquis de la Force and tenor Piotr Buszewski in his Met debut as the Chevalier de la Force.


Poulenc’s Dialogues de Carmélites is based on the martyrdom of 16 Carmelite nuns and lay sisters from Compiègne, who sacrificed themselves during the French Revolution.

These performances mark the ninth revival of the acclaimed production by director John Dexter, who staged the opera’s Met premiere in 1977.


Dialogues des Carmélites Broadcasts on Radio and Online


The January 18 and 28 performances of Dialogues des Carmélites will be broadcast live on Metropolitan Opera Radio on SiriusXM Channel 355. The January 28 performance will also be broadcast over the Toll Brothers–Metropolitan Opera International Radio Network. Audio from the January 18 performance will be streamed live on the Met’s website, metopera.org.



