뉴욕필 2024 콘서트 인더 파크(6/11-14): 한국계 랜달 구스비(바이올린) 협연
2024 뉴욕필하모닉 콘서트 인더 파크(6/11-14)
지휘 토마스 윌킨스, 바이올린 랜달 구스비
뉴욕필하모닉의 2024 무료 공원 콘서트 'Concerts in the Parks'(6/11-14)에 한국계 바이올리니스트 랜달 구스비(Randall Goosby)가 멘델스존 작곡 콘체르토 E단조를 협연한다.
1996년 샌디에고에서 한국계(재일교포 3세) 어머니와 흑인 아버지 사이에서 태어난 랜달 구스비는 7세에 바이올린을 시작, 9세에 잭슨빌심포니(플로리다주)와 협연하며 데뷔했다. 13세에는 링컨센터 에버리피셔홀(현 데이빗 게펜홀)에서 뉴욕필하모닉의 청소년 콘서트로 연주했다.
줄리아드 예비학교에 전액 장학금을 받고 입학, 줄리아드 학부에서 이자크 펄만과 캐서린 조를 사사했으며, 도날드 와일스타인과 로리 스머클러 아래서 석사학위, 2022년 펄만과 캐서린 조 밑에서 아티스트 디플로마를 받았다. 2018년 Young Concert Artists International Auditions에서 수상했으며, 2022년 에버리피셔 커리어그랜트를 받았다.
랜달 구스비는 필라델피아 오케스트라, 샌프란시스코 심포니, 필하모니아 오케스트라, 로스앤젤레스 필하모닉, 왕립 스코틀랜드 국립 오케스트라, 클리블랜드 오케스트라 등과 연주해왔다. 2020년 24세에 데카 레코드와 계약, 이듬해 피아니스트 주 왕(Zhu Wang)과 함께 녹음한 'Roots(뿌리)'를 발매했다.
아프리칸-아메리칸 음악에 바치는 헌사인 'Roots'는 흑인 영가들로부터 시작해 오늘날의 현대음악 작품들까지 이르는 긴 변천사를 고스란히 담고 있다. 수록곡에는 아프리카계 미국인 작곡가인 플로렌스 프라이스의 작품 중 전세계 최초로 녹음된 세 곡을 포함하여 윌리엄 그랜트 스틸과 콜리지 테일러 퍼킨슨의 작품들, 콘트라 베이스 연주자이며 미국의 음악 관련 단체인 스핑크스에서 만난 인연으로 펄먼 뮤직 프로그램과 Young Concert Artists를 함께 경험한 동료 재비어 폴리가 이번 앨범을 위해 특별히 작곡한 곡에 이르기까지 다양한 작품이 고루 포진되어 있다.
구스비는 줄리아드 음대에서 대여한 바이올린 Guadagnini와 스트라디바리 협회에서 1735년 Guarneri Del Gesu를 연주하다가 현재는 삼성문화재단으로부터 대여받은 1708년형 "구 스트라우스" 스트라디바리우스 바이올린을 연주하고 있다.
Concerts in the Parks, Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer Conducted by Thomas Wilkins June 11–14, 2024
Free Indoor Concert in Staten Island, Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer Performance by Musicians from the New York Philharmonic June 16, 2024
Conductor Thomas Wilkins leads four free outdoor concerts at Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx (June 11); the Great Lawn in Central Park, Manhattan
(June 12); Cunningham Park, Queens (June 13); and Prospect Park, Brooklyn (June 14). The program includes Beethoven’s Egmont Overture; Felix Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor, featuring Randall Goosby — who made his NY Phil debut on a Young People’s Concert
at age 13 — as soloist; Elgar’s Wand of Youth Overture; the New York Premiere of Carlos Simon’s Four Black American Dances; Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio espagnol; and works by New York Philharmonic Very Young Composers Dalya Shaman and David Wright. All four outdoor performances begin at 8:00 p.m. and conclude with fireworks by Santore’s World Famous Fireworks.
Though this marks Wilkins’s first time conducting the Concerts in the Parks, he made his NY Phil debut in 2015, when he led a subscription program titled Great African American Singers and Their Legacy. Wilkins has since conducted and hosted numerous Young People’s Concerts, and returns in October 2024 for the Philharmonic’s exploration of Afromodernism on a program that features a New York Premiere by Nathalie Joachim and a reprise of Carlos Simon’s Four Black American Dances.
Following the Concerts in the Parks, Musicians from the New York Philharmonic perform a Free Indoor Concert, Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer, on Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., at St. George Theatre in Staten Island. The program includes Clarke’s Prelude, Allegro, and Pastorale for clarinet and viola; Mozart’s Oboe Quartet; and Prokofiev’s Quintet.
The New York Philharmonic’s free parks concerts have become an iconic New York summer experience since they began in 1965, transforming parks throughout the boroughs into a patchwork of picnickers and music lovers, providing the city an opportunity to hear classical music for free. More than 15 million listeners have been delighted by the performances since their inception.
Admission to the Concerts in the Parks is free, and tickets are not required.
Admission to the Free Indoor Concert in Staten Island is free. Tickets are required and are available at stgeorgetheatre.com.
Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer All concerts begin at 8:00 p.m.
Thomas Wilkins, conductor
Randall Goosby, violin
BEETHOVEN Egmont Overture
FE. MENDELSSOHN Violin Concerto in E minor
ELGAR Wand of Youth Overture
NY Phil Very Young Composer Floating in the Stars
NY Phil Very Young Composer Tarzan’s Rage
Carlos SIMON Four Black American Dances (New York Premiere) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Capriccio espagnol
#Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx Tuesday, June 11, 2024
• Enter the park from Broadway, near West 251st Street. Concert site is on the Parade Grounds toward the south.
#Great Lawn, Central Park, Manhattan Wednesday, June 12, 2024
• Westside entrances: West 81st or 86th Streets at Central Park West
• Eastside entrances: East 79th or 85th Streets at Fifth Avenue
#Cunningham Park, Queens Thursday, June 13, 2024
• Enter at 193rd Street, near 81st Avenue or Union Turnpike. Concert site is at 193rd Street Field.
#Prospect Park, Brooklyn Friday, June 14, 2024
• Enter at Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Park West at 9th Street, or Bartel-Pritchard Circle at the intersection of Prospect Park West, Prospect Park Southwest, and 15th Street.
Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer St. George Theatre, Staten Island
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 4:00 p.m.
Musicians from the New York Philharmonic:
Alina Kobialka, violin; Rebecca Young, viola; Max Zeugner, bass;
Benjamin Adler, clarinet; Ryan Roberts, oboe
CLARKE Prelude, Allegro, and Pastorale for
clarinet and viola
MOZART Oboe Quartet
PROKOFIEV Quintet, Op. 39
Thomas Wilkins CONDUCTOR
Devoted to promoting a life-long enthusiasm for music, Thomas Wilkins brings energy and commitment to audiences of all ages. He is hailed as a master at communicating and connecting with audiences. He is principal conductor of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, artistic advisor of education and community engagement of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, principal guest conductor of the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, and he holds Indiana University’s Henry A. Upper chair of orchestral conducting, established by the late Barbara and David Jacobs. At the end of the 2020–21 season he completed his long and successful tenure as music director of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra. Other past positions have included resident conductor of both the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Florida Orchestra (Tampa Bay), and associate conductor of the Richmond (Virginia) Symphony.
Wilkins has guest conducted throughout the United States, leading orchestras including the New York and Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestras; Boston, National, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, and Cincinnati symphony orchestras; and Minnesota, Philadelphia, and Cleveland Orchestras.
In 2022 Wilkins received the League of American Orchestras’ Gold Baton Award, and the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards presented him with their Lifetime Achievement Award for Music. Other past awards include an honorary doctorate of arts from the Boston Conservatory and the Leonard Bernstein Lifetime Achievement Award for the Elevation of Music in Society conferred by Boston’s Longy School of Music.
His commitment to community has been demonstrated by his participation on several boards of directors, including the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, the Charles Drew Health Center (Omaha), the Center Against Spouse Abuse in Tampa Bay, as well as the Museum of Fine Arts and the Academy Preparatory Center, both in St. Petersburg, Florida. Currently he serves as chairman of the board for the Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund and as national ambassador for the nonprofit World Pediatric Project headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, which provides children throughout Central America and the Caribbean with critical surgical and diagnostic care.
A native of Norfolk, Virginia, Thomas Wilkins is a graduate of the Shenandoah Conservatory of Music and Boston’s New England Conservatory of Music.
Randall Goosby VIOLINIST
Signed exclusively to Decca Classics in 2020 at the age of 24, American violinist Randall Goosby is acclaimed for the sensitivity and intensity of his musicianship alongside his determination to make music more inclusive and accessible, as well as bringing the music of under-represented composers to light. His 2023–24 season highlights include debuts with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Andris Nelsons; National Symphony Orchestra, led by Thomas Wilkins; Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, with Manfred Honeck; Seattle Symphony and St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, both conducted by Christian Reif; as well as his first return to the New York Philharmonic, led by Wilkins, since appearances on Young People’s Concerts in 2010 and 2011. Goosby’s European debuts include a European tour with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra and Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Oslo Philharmonic and Ryan Wigglesworth, and Lahti Symphony Orchestra with Roderick Cox.
During the 2023–24 season Goosby serves as artist-in-residence at London’s Southbank Centre, which includes his return to the London Philharmonic Orchestra to perform Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 3 led by Gemma New, as well as recital and chamber concerts. Other upcoming recital appearances include Chamber Music Cincinnati, Emory University in Georgia, Elbphilharmonie Recital Hall in Hamburg, Perth Concert Hall in Scotland, and La Società dei Concerti in Milan.
Randall Goosby plays the Antonio Stradivarius, Cremona, “ex-Strauss,” 1708, on generous loan from Samsung Foundation of Culture.

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