왓킨스 글렌 주립공원 (Watkins Glen State Park) 사진: 진영미
Waterfalls in Watkins Glen State Park Photo: Youngmi Jin 진영미 나들이 가기가 좋은 날씨 같습니다. 오랫만에 로체스터 사는 딸아이한테 가보기로 했지요. 가는 길에 조금만 방향 돌려보면 볼 것이 많더라구요. 이번엔 Watkins Glen State Park을 가보기로...Date2017.06.03 CategoryPhotoBang Views6307 -
코리아아트포럼 '상품과 이념'전@퀸즈칼리지(6/1-30)
Commodity & Ideology Part I June 1-June 30, 2017 Queens College Klapper Hall Art Gallery Korea Art Forum (KAF) is pleased to announce the opening of Commodity & Ideology, Part I on June 3, 2017, at the Klapper Hall Art Gallery of Que...Date2017.06.02 CategoryCulBeat Express Views834 -
클로이스터 미술관 '정원의 날'(6/3-4)
Garden Days—Popular Annual Event at The Met Cloisters— Scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4 Garden Days—an annual weekend of activities devoted to the plants and gardens of The Met Cloisters—will be held on Saturday and Sunday, Ju...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1355 -
라파엘 드로잉전@옥스포드대 미술관(6/1-9/3)
RAPHAEL: THE DRAWINGS 1 June–3 September 2017 Ashmolean Museum, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 120 works by Raphael from international collections will go on show at the Ashmolean this summer in the once-in-a-lifetime exhibition, RAPHAEL: THE DRAWINGS...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views794 -
클리블랜드뮤지엄 책거리 병풍 특별전(8/5-11/5)
Chaekgeori Possessions in Korean Painted Screens Sat, 08/05/2017 to Sun, 11/05/2017 The Cleveland Museum of Art Books and Scholars’ Accouterments (chaekgeori) (detail), late 1800s. Yi Taek-gyun (Korean, 1808–after 1883). Ten-panel folding sc...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1843 -
LG 체임버 뮤직스쿨 링컨센터 콘서트(6/5)
LG Chamber Music School June 5 at 5 PM ET Livestream: LG Chamber Music School CMS welcomes 15 students from the LG Chamber Music School in Korea for a week of chamber music coaching, culminating in a concert in the Rose Studio. They will per...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views548 -
앤드류 와이어스 탄생 100주년 회고전@브랜디리버미술관(6/24-9/17)
ANDREW WYETH: IN RETROSPECTMajor Retrospective Exhibition on View June 24 through September 17 Andrew Wyeth, Winter (1946). North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh. © 2017 Andrew Wyeth/Artists Rights Society (ARS). On June 24, the Brandywine ...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3416 -
루이스 부르주아 등 16인전 '리바이벌'@국립여성작가미술관, DC(6/23-9/10)
REVIVAL June 23–September 10, 2017 National Museum of Women in the Arts Spectacle and transcendence in contemporary art by women WASHINGTON—REVIVAL, an exhibition of contemporary sculpture, photography and video by women artists, will be on ...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views12721 -
고태화 등 7인 아트앤디자인뮤지엄(MAD) 레지던시 아티스트 선정
MAD ANNOUNCES SUMMER 2017 ARTIST STUDIOS PROGRAM RESIDENTS AND VAN LIER FELLOWFeaturing artists Rachel Frank, Mariana Garibay Raeke, Tai Hwa Goh, Ilana Harris-Babou, Heidi Lau, Kathleen McDermott, and Christa Pratt NEW YORK, NY (June 1 2017...Date2017.06.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views599 -
MoMA 보수+확장 공사 설계안 발표
로댕 특별전@메트뮤지엄(9/16-1/15, 2018)
Rodin at The Met On the centenary of the death of Auguste Rodin (1840–1917), The Metropolitan Museum of Art will celebrate its historic collection of the artist’s work in Rodin at The Met, opening September 16, 2017. Nearly 50 marbles, bronz...Date2017.05.31 CategoryCulBeat Express Views802 -
김다솔, 김홍기, 선우예권, 반클라이번 콩쿠르 준결선 진출
THE FIFTEENTH VAN CLIBURN INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION SEMIFINALISTS ARE: '피아노 올림픽'으로 불리우는 2017 반 클라이번 콩쿠르 준 결승(semi-final)에 한인 김다솔, 김홍기, 선우예권 등 15명이 진출했다. Kenneth Broberg, United States Han Chen...Date2017.05.31 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1856 -
메트 브로이어 스티브 맥퀸 등 비디오 그룹전 'The Body Politic'(6/20-9/3)
Exhibition of Contemporary Video Opening at The Met Breuer in JuneOpening June 20 at The Met Breuer, The Body Politic: Video from The Met Collection will present four videos created between 1995 and 2015. Ranging from the provocative to the ...Date2017.05.31 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1310 -
2017 칸영화제 수상작(자)
2017 Cannes Film Festival Winners The Square Palme d’Or The Square, dir: Ruben Ostlund Special 70th Anniversary Prize Nicole Kidman Grand Prize 120 Beats Per Minute, dir: Robin Campillo The Buguiled Best Director Sofia Coppola, The Beguiled ...Date2017.05.29 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1674 -
2017 반클라이번 콩쿠르 일정(5/25-6/10)
THE 2017 CLIBURN COMPETITION IS HERE!Join us, as 30 of the world's best classical musicians compete for gold, now through June 10, 2017. FIFTEENTH VAN CLIBURN INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITIONBass Performance Hall Fort Worth, Texas USA May 25–...Date2017.05.28 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1958 -
센트럴파크 코리아 가요제(6/26)
센트럴파크 섬머 스테이지 한국 가요제 Korea GAYOJE (‘music festival’) blending traditional Korean sounds with glam rock, contemporary world music & hip-hop Year of The OX The Year of the Ox is a rap duo with Korean roots. Comprised of two...Date2017.05.26 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1436 -
브루클린브리지파크 봄/여름 무료 프로그램(4/8-8/24)
Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy and Brooklyn Bridge Park Announce 2017 Spring and Summer Calendar Over 600 Free and Low-Cost Activities and Events All with a Breathtaking View April 8 – August 24 BROOKLYN, NY (April 3, 2017) —The Brooklyn B...Date2017.05.26 CategoryCulBeat Express Views633 -
구겐하임 뮤지엄 화요일 개관시간 오후 9시 연장(6/20-8/29)
Guggenheim Offers Extended Evening Hours and Special Programs on Summer Tuesdays Museum to Stay Open until 9 pm on Tuesdays and Host Programs Including a Weekly Conversation Series, the Summer of Know (NEW YORK, NY, May 25, 2017)—From June 2...Date2017.05.25 CategoryCulBeat Express Views855 -
2017 뮤지엄 마일 페스티벌(6/13)
THE 39TH ANNUAL MUSEUM MILE FESTIVAL TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 6 PM TO 9 PM FREE MUSEUM ADMISSIONS, ART ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN New York, NY, May 25, 2017 - Now celebrating its 39th year, the annual Museum Mile Festival takes place rain or shin...Date2017.05.25 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1209 -
딸기의 계절...스트로베리 쇼트 케이크
La Dolce Vita! Strawberry Shortcake 딸기 맛이 상큼한 계절이다. 각 음식 잡지에서 스트로베리 쇼트 케이크(Strawberry Shortcake)의 레시피를 소개하고 있다. 최근 타임스퀘어 인근 리틀 파이 컴퍼니에서 처음으로 스트로베리 쇼트 케이크를 사왔다. 블루베...Date2017.05.25 CategoryPhotoBang Views2013