2017 뮤지엄마일 페스티벌(6/13)
THE 39TH ANNUAL MUSEUM MILE FESTIVAL TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 FROM 6PM TO 9PM FREE MUSEUM ADMISSIONS, OUTDOOR ART ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN New York, NY, April 7, 2017 - Now celebrating its 39th year, the annual Museum Mile Festival takes place...Date2017.04.07 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1162 -
*취소: 강정석 개인전 'GAME 1-2'@두산갤러리, NY(4/13-5/11)
GAME I·II Kang Jungsuck 안녕하세요, 두산갤러리입니다. 두산갤러리 뉴욕에서 4/13 - 5/11 일정으로 예정되었던 강정석 작가의 개인전 "게임 I, II"는 두산갤러리 뉴욕 내부 운영 문제로 부득이하게 전시를 취소하게 되었습니다. 강정석 작가의 전시를 기다리...Date2017.04.06 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3186 -
메트오페라 '장미의 기사' 공연(4/13-5/13)
The Met’s New Production of Der Rosenkavalier Stars Renée Fleming in Her Final Performances of a Signature Role Robert Carsen’s staging, conducted by Sebastian Weigle, also stars Elīna Garanča in her Met role debut as Octavian Strauss’s trag...Date2017.04.06 CategoryCulBeat Express Views380 -
김봉중 개인전 '유혹(Temptation)'(4/4-22)
Temptation: Bongjung Kim April 4th-22nd, 2017 Paris Koh Fine Arts Paris Koh Fine Arts, 548 West 28th Street, Suite 328, New York City is pleased to present a solo exhibition Temptation: Bongjung Kim. This show will run from April 4th-22nd, 2...Date2017.04.06 CategoryCulBeat Express Views786 -
풋프린트 모던댄스 페스티벌(5/18-20)
FOOTPRINTS - Third Annual Modern Dance Festival Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 7pm Friday, May 19, 2017 at 7pm Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 7pm Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre and The West Side YMCA Community Arts Department present the third annual FOO...Date2017.04.06 CategoryCulBeat Express Views962 -
홍범, 샌정 두산갤러리(서울) 2인전
또 하나의 기둥 An-Other Column 샌정, 홍범 Sen Chung, Buhm Hong 4. 12 - 5. 27 두산갤러리 서울 DOOSAN Gallery Seoul www.doosangallery.com 오프닝 리셉션: 4월 12일 수요일 오후 6~8시 Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 12th, 6~8 pm 두산갤러리 서...Date2017.04.06 CategoryCulBeat Express Views761 -
촬영감독 비토리오 스토라로 영화제@이스트만뮤지엄
PAINTING WITH LIGHT: TRIBUTE TO VITTORIO STORARO In March 2017, the George Eastman Award for distinguished contribution to the art of film will be presented to Italian cinematographer Vittorio Storaro. Not only one of the world’s most respec...Date2017.04.06 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2449 -
에머슨스트링쿼텟 창단 40주년 콘서트@카네기홀(5/7)
EMERSON STRING QUARTET CELEBRATION OF 40th - ANNIVERSARY SEASON AT CARNEGIE HALLWITH PIANIST YEFIM BRONFMAN New York, NY – The world-renowned Emerson String Quartet returns to Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium on May 7 at 3 PM for a performan...Date2017.04.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views734 -
이탈리아 화가 카롤 라마(1918-2015) 회고전
CAROL RAMA: ANTIBODIES 04/26/17-09/10/17 New Museum “Carol Rama: Antibodies” is the first New York museum survey of the work of Italian artist Carol Rama (b. 1918, Turin, Italy–d. 2015, Turin, Italy) and the largest presentation of her work ...Date2017.04.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views953 -
플로린 스테타이머 회고전@쥬이시뮤지엄(5/5-9/24)
First Major New York Exhibition in Over 20 Years Devoted to American Painter Florine Stettheimer Opens at the Jewish Museum in May 2017 New York, NY – In May 2017, the first major New York exhibition in over 20 years focused on artist Florin...Date2017.04.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1163 -
브루클린 식물원 봄 나들이
One Fine Day in Brooklyn Botanic Garden April 2, 2017 Shayne Dark, Pickup Red, Cedar, paint, 2016 Shayne Dark, Drop Stones 1, 2 & 3, Cor-ten steel, 2014 Shayne Dark, Tanglewood, Cedar, paint, 2016 ▶개관시간: 오전 8시∼오후 6시(화∼금), 오...Date2017.04.04 CategoryPhotoBang Views688 -
사진작가 어빙 펜 탄생 100주년 특별전@메트뮤지엄(4/24-7/30)
Irving Penn: Centennial Exhibition Dates: April 24–July 30, 2017 Exhibition Location: The Met Fifth Avenue, Gallery 199 The Metropolitan Museum of Art will present a major retrospective of the photographs of Irving Penn to mark the centennia...Date2017.04.04 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1689 -
카네기홀 소년 오케스트라 NYO2 단원 78인 선정
NYO2 MAKES CARNEGIE HALL DEBUT IN SUMMER 2017 WITH SPECIAL GUEST ESPERANZA SPALDING 78 Outstanding Young Musicians Ages 14–17 from Across the United States Selected for Intensive Three-Week Summer Program Side-by-Side Performances in Philade...Date2017.04.04 CategoryCulBeat Express Views6225 -
메트뮤지엄 루프가든 아르헨티나 작가 아드리안 빌라 로자스
The Roof Garden Commission: Adrián Villar Rojas, The Theater of Disappearance April 14–October 29, 2017 (weather permitting) The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden, Gallery 926 Argentinian artist Adrián Villar Rojas has been selected to c...Date2017.04.04 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1460 -
루이스 부르주아, 폴 맥카시 등 액세서리 전시@하우저앤워스(4/20-6/17)
The Portable Art Project Hauser & Wirth New York, 69th Street 20 April – 17 June 2017 Opening Reception: Thursday 20 April, 6 - 8 pm New York NY… On 20 April 2017, Hauser & Wirth will debut its Portable Art Project with an exhibition...Date2017.04.04 CategoryCulBeat Express Views630 -
뉴욕한국문화원 자수 워크숍(4/5, 4/15)
뉴욕한국문화원 자수 워크숍 I. 이소영 메트뮤지엄 큐레이터의 '한국 조선시대 자수'(4/5) 2. 안성민 작가의 '붓으로 그리는 자수: 조선시대 왕족의 장식품, 흉배 만들기'(어린이 워크숍, 4/15) 뉴욕한국문화원(원장 오승제)은 4월 5일(수)와 4월 15일(토), 아...Date2017.04.03 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2012 -
영화 '졸업(The Graduate)' 50주년 복원판 개봉
벨스키뮤지엄 그룹전(4/9-30)
Dynamic Dimensions April 9-30, 2017 @Martin Hicks Gallery at The Belskie Museum of Art & Science Opening Reception: April 9, Sunday, 2017, 2pm-5pm 기획: 스테파니 S. 리 뉴저지 클로스터에 위치한 벨스키 뮤지엄 오브 아트 내 마틴 힉스 갤러리...Date2017.04.03 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1229 -
브루클린 브리지파크 봄-여름 프로그램(4/8-8/24)
Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy and Brooklyn Bridge Park Announce 2017 Spring and Summer Calendar Over 600 Free and Low-Cost Activities and Events All with a Breathtaking View April 8 – August 24 BROOKLYN, NY (April 3, 2017) —The Brooklyn ...Date2017.04.03 CategoryCulBeat Express Views5257 -
우리소리 바라지 '비손' 무료 공연(4/8)
뉴욕한국문화원 기획 『2017 오픈 스테이지』 한국 국악단체 ‘우리소리 바라지’ <비손> 무료 공연 4월 8일(토) 오후 9시 @르 퍼크 스페이스(The Lepercq Space), 브루클린아카데미오브뮤직(BAM) 뉴욕한국문화원은 오는 4월 8일(토), 오후 9시브루클린아카데미...Date2017.04.03 CategoryCulBeat Express Views636