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영화박물관(MOMI) 스탠리 큐브릭 '2001: 스페이스 오디세이' 특별전



Exhibition provides an in-depth look at the creative process and influences of Kubrick’s masterwork and will be accompanied through its run with multiple screening series, special events, and more

January 18–July 19, 2020


New York, New York, July 26, 2019Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, an exhibition devoted to one of the most influential films ever made, will make its North American debut at Museum of the Moving Image (MoMI) on January 18, 2020. Made before the first moon landing, the 1968 film, directed by Kubrick and developed in collaboration with writer Arthur C. Clarke, depicts the fraught relationship between humanity and technology, using pioneering special effects. The exhibition includes original artifacts from international collections and from the Stanley Kubrick Archive at the University of the Arts London, as well as from the Museum’s own collection. In addition to exploring Kubrick’s influences, his obsessive research, and his innovative production process, the exhibition looks at the film’s widespread influence on cinema, design, painting, architecture, and advertising. “Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey” was organized by the DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum in Frankfurt am Main (where the exhibition debuted in 2018), in partnership with the Stanley Kubrick Archive at University of the Arts London and with support from Warner Bros.

Throughout its six-month run at MoMI, “Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey will be accompanied by a wide variety of screening series, public programs with guest speakers, and specially themed workshops, tours, special events, and more.

2001: A Space Odyssey has influenced generations of directors and artists, and continues to captivate audiences around the world,” said Carl Goodman, Executive Director of MoMI. “We are proud to be the first North American museum to present this remarkable exhibition. It is especially fitting that this exhibition will be presented here at MoMI, where screening 2001 in its original 70mm format has become an annual tradition, and our public spaces, including the spectacular Redstone Theater, are deliberately evocative of the film.”

Exhibition highlights include Special Photographic Effects Supervisor Douglas Trumbull’s concept sketches for Clavius Base, from MoMI collection; costumes, including a space suit worn in the Clavius Base scene and Moonwatcher ape suit worn by Dan Richter in the Dawn of Man scene; and storyboards, contact sheets, test films, and photographs related to the Stargate special effects sequence.

Advance tickets for the exhibition will go on sale in September, with a pre-sale window for Museum members. For information about membership, visit movingimage.us/membership

*스탠리 큐브릭 사진전@뉴욕시박물관

*사진작가 스탠리 큐브릭