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2019.11.05 16:55

2019 마스터 오브 와인(MW) 14인 선정

조회 수 1021 댓글 0
영국의 마스터 오브 와인 협회(Institute of Masters of Wine)이 주최하는 마스터 오브 와인(MW) 시험에 14명의 와인 전문가가 합격했다. 1953년 처음 시행된 MW는  세계 30개국에서 389명이 자격증을 받았다. 한국에서 태어난 지니 조 리(Jeannie Cho Lee)가 2008년 MW 시험을 통과, 와인 비평가로 활동 중이다. 

The 2019 MW vintage is: Edouard Baijot MW (France), Julien Boulard MW (China), Thomas Curtius MW (Germany), Dominic Farnsworth MW (UK), Lydia Harrison MW (UK), Nicholas Jackson MW (USA), Brendan Jansen MW (Australia), Christine Marsiglio MW (UK), Heidi Mäkinen MW (Finland), Edward Ragg MW (China), Jonas Röjerman MW (Sweden), Harriet Tindal MW (Ireland), Jonas Tofterup MW (Spain) and Gus Jian Zhu MW (USA)

Fourteen MWs inducted at the IMW annual awards ceremony


The Institute of Masters of Wine has officially welcomed 14 new Masters of Wine to its membership at the IMW’s annual awards ceremony.
The ceremony celebrates the inauguration of the new MWs to the IMW and recognises individual excellence in areas of the MW examination. Masters of Wine from around the globe fly in to London for the occasion to welcome the new ‘MW vintage’.
The 14 MWs honoured at the ceremony passed the final part of the MW examination in 2019 and were announced as Masters of Wine in February and August this year.
Adrian Garforth MW, Chairman of the IMW said, “It gives me great pleasure to officially welcome the new MWs to our family. The annual awards ceremony is a fantastic celebration for all the membership to enjoy. I’m particularly pleased that the new crop of MWs come from 10 different countries, which reflects the IMW’s ongoing commitment to internationalisation.”
The 2019 MW vintage is: Edouard Baijot MW (France), Julien Boulard MW (China), Thomas Curtius MW (Germany), Dominic Farnsworth MW (UK), Lydia Harrison MW (UK), Nicholas Jackson MW (USA), Brendan Jansen MW (Australia), Christine Marsiglio MW (UK), Heidi Mäkinen MW (Finland), Edward Ragg MW (China), Jonas Röjerman MW (Sweden), Harriet Tindal MW (Ireland), Jonas Tofterup MW (Spain) and Gus Jian Zhu MW (USA)
Sponsored by supporters of the IMW, individual awards were given during the ceremony to the MWs who performed exceptionally in a particular aspect of the MW examination.
Julien Boulard MW received the Chairman’s Award, presented by Adrian Garforth MW, for the top performance in the business of wine paper.
The Villa Maria Award, for outstanding knowledge and understanding of viticulture in the MW examination, was awarded to Dominic Farnsworth MW, and presented by Angela Lewis, Villa Maria Market Executive for UK & Ireland.
The Noval Award, sponsored by Quinta do Noval, part of AXA Millésimes, is awarded for the best research paper by a new MW. Christian Seely, Managing Director of AXA Millésimes presented the honour to Edward Ragg MW. Edward also received the Robert Mondavi Winery Award for the best performance across all of the theory papers in the MW examination, presented by Mark de Vere MW of Constellation Brands.
For her outstanding tasting ability, Christine Marsiglio MW received the Madame Bollinger Medal, presented by Andrew Hawes, Managing Director of Mentzendorff & Co Ltd. Christine also collected the Taransaud Tonnellerie Award, for her excellent knowledge in the production and handling of wine paper. The award was presented to Christine by Henri de Pracomtal, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chêne et Cie, the parent company of Taransuad.
The Outstanding Achievement Award - the final accolade of the evening - went to Thomas Curtius MW for his overall performance in all areas of the MW examination. The award is sponsored by the Austrian Wine Marketing Board and was presented to Thomas by Willi Klinger, Managing Director of AWMB.
There are currently 389 MWs worldwide, based in 30 different countries.