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메트로폴리탄 오페라가 코로나 19 확산 여파로 노조 가입 뮤지션과 합창단 등 직원 대부분의 고용을 정지했다.
뉴욕 포스트에 따르면, 이 직원들은 오는 9월 새 시즌 리허설이 시작되면 재고용될 것이며, 그동안 의료 혜택을 받을 것으로 알려졌다. 메트오페라의 2019년 예산은 3억 1200만 달러다.

Met Opera lays off unionized musicians, chorus amid coronavirus shutdown

이와 함께 공연 계약을 했던 솔로이스트들은 "불가항력(force majeure)" 조항에 의거 예정된 출연료를 못받을 것으로 알려졌다. 

다음은 메트오페라 부단장 다이앤 졸라(Diane Zola)가 한 성악가에게 보낸 이메일. 

“As you are aware, on Thursday, March 12, 2020 the Metropolitan Opera was forced to cancel rehearsals and performances due to the global pandemic of COVID-19 also known as Coronavirus.

There is a Force Majeure provision in the AGMA Collective Bargaining Agreement. Because the public health-related closure of the Met is a Force Majeure condition, payment obligations and other terms of the CBA and the individual artist contracts are not applicable during the period that the Force Majeure condition exists.

Given the rapid progression of COVID-19 internationally, we thank you for your understanding as we all weather unknown and challenging times. Your wellbeing and health are of the utmost importance to the Metropolitan Opera and we send you all good wishes for good health and strength.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have further questions or concerns.

With my sincere best wishes,
