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한미정상 23분간 통화..트럼프, 한국 코로나19 대응에 "굉장히 잘하고 있다"
"통화스와프, 매우 시의적절한 조치"..도쿄올림픽 연기 문제도 의견교환

-President Trump asked South Korean President Moon Jae-in for supplies to help combat coronavirus, according to a state-funded news agency.
-Moon said the country will provide “maximum support” if it is available, Yonhap News Agency reported. 
-South Korea has been praised for its swift and effective response to COVID-19, marked by rapid mass testing. 

Coronavirus response: Trump requests supplies from South Korea

트럼프 "韓 의료장비 지원" 요청..문대통령 "여유분 최대 지원"