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뉴욕대학생들이 코로나19로 인한 온라인 수업에 등록금 부분 반환 청원에 호소 중이다. 
이 청원에는 4월 13일 현재 1만1천여명이 서명했다. 

The fact that school has transitioned to remote teaching means that we students are not gaining the same level of teaching from the university in addition to the fact that the school does not need as much money to run now that everything is remote. Thus, students should be discounted for whatever the non-profit university is saving on, and only pay for what we are getting!

Petition · Partial Refund on NYU Tuition · Change.org

한편, 드렉셀대와 마이애미대 학생들은 등록금 반환 청구 집단소송을 제기했다. 드렉셀대의 등록금은 약 5만4천달러, 마이애미대는 약 5만2천 달러다.  

Students are suing their colleges for coronavirus-related refunds
