뉴욕 클래시컬 플레이어스, 브람스 무료 콘서트(9/17)
뉴욕 클래시컬 플레이어스(New York Classical Players, 음악감독 김동민)이 9월 17일 맨해튼 어퍼웨스트사이드 W83 오디토리움에서 브람스 무료 콘서트를 연다.
'브람스 더블(Brahms Double)'을 주제로 한 2021-22 시즌 개막 콘서트로 장유진(바이올린) 브래넌 조(첼로), 조단 박, 레이몬 카레로 마티네즈, 엥-치 쳉(이상 비올라)가 로씨니, 제임스 라, 브람스 곡을 연주한다. 콘서트는 무료이지만, 기부금을 환영한다. VIP 좌석은 구매할 수 있다. 예약은 필수.
New York Classical Players
Brahms Double (2021-22 Season Opener)
About this event
Welcome back to live performance with a showcase for strings! The season begins with the world premiere of James Ra’s triple viola concerto,with NYCP’s own Jordan Bak, Ramón Carrero-Martínez, and En-Chi Cheng followed by a glistening interlude by Rossini. Brahms’ Double Concerto for Violin and Cello features Yoojin Jang (violin) and Brannon Cho (cello) in the composer’s final concerto, a masterpiece blending the composer’s masterful symphonic approach with lush virtuosity.
This performance is less than 90 minutes and presented without intermission.
Date and time
Fri, September 17, 2021
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
W83 Auditorium(150 West 83rd Street, NY)
Dongmin Kim, conductor
Yoojin Jang, violin / Brannon Cho, cello
Jordan Bak, Ramon Carrero Martinez, En-Chi Cheng, violas
ROSSINI / Sonata for Strings No. 1 in G major
JAMES RA / Concerto for Three Violas & Strings (premiere)
BRAHMS / Double Concerto for Violin and Cello (Arr. Yoomi Paick)
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Our top priority is to ensure our audience's health and security and the safety of our musicians, staff, and guests. To that end, we have implemented the following safety protocols:
- Proof of complete COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend indoor concerts.
- Masks are required at all times for all guests and visitors.
- Audience members who do not comply with the policies will not be admitted.
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Your donation is essential and will keep us doing our concerts FREE.
(suggested donation: $20/adults, $10/students and seniors.)
A limited number of VIP seats can be purchased. We secure the best seats for you and your guests!
VIP Seats Request http://www.nycpmusic.org/vip-seats-request