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미술웹진 하이퍼알러직이 올해 미국내 뮤지엄과 갤러리에서 열린 전시 톱 10을 선정했다. 


1. Four Solo Artist Exhibitions Across Philadelphia

(PAFA의 조안 셈멜전, 반즈파운데이션의 수잔 발라동, 필라델피아뮤지엄의 엠마 아모스와 재스퍼 존스 전시)




2. Joan Mitchell at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, Calif.

3. Chakaia Booker: The Observance at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, FL

4. Georgia O’Keeffe, Photographer at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, TX

5. Chicago Comics: 1960s to Now at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, IL

6. Michael Rakowitz: Nimrud at the Wellin Museum, Clinton, NY

7. Radical Tradition: American Quilts and Social Change at the Toledo Museum of Art, OH

8. Dawn Clements, Living Large: A Survey at the Mana Contemporary, Jersey City, NJ

9. Simphiwe Ndzube: Oracles of the Pink Universe at the Denver Art Museum, CO

10. Titian: Women, Myth & Power at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass.



The Best of 2021: Our Top 10 United States Art Show by Hyperallergic

