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맨해튼 웨스트빌리지의 재즈클럽 블루노트(Blue Note)가 오픈 40주년을 맞아 T셔츠 디자인을 공모한다. 디자인을 인스태그램이나 트위터에 @bluenotenyc를 태그로, #bluenote40을 해쉬태그로 올리면 된다. 당첨자는 블루노트 인스태그램에 소개되며, 원하는 콘서트의 예약석 티켓 2매와 T셔츠를 받는다. 상금은 없다. T셔츠 로열티도 없는듯. 



Blue Note New York 

40 Year Anniversary Design Contest

What does Blue Note mean to you? 


In celebrating our 40 year anniversary, jazz fans from all over the world have been sharing their favorite memories from time spent at the Blue Note seeing world-class musicians perform on our stage. We wanted to create something special from these memories and are launching our 40 Year Anniversary T-Shirt Design Contest. We want to collaborate with YOU to create a t-shirt together that reflects the history and legacy of Blue Note New York as a cornerstone of jazz music, inspired from your personal memories of visiting the club.
