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제 2차 세계대전 중 나치에 의해 처형된 독일계 유대인 아트 컬렉터의 후손들이 뉴욕 구겐하임뮤지엄이 소장한 파블로 피카소의 '다림질 하는 여인'(Woman Ironing/ La repasseuse, 1904)의 소유권을 주장하며 반환을 요청했다. 원고들은 이 그림의 가치를 2억 달러로 추정하고 있다. 


Picasso’s “Woman Ironing”

Completed during the pivotal Blue period (1901–04), Woman Ironing (La repasseuse) (1904) is a celebrated demonstration of the sensitivity, skill, and emotion with which Pablo Picasso depicted the working poor. The painting’s melancholy surface palette of whites and blue-grays evokes empathy for the hard, labor-intensive daily life of the subject—a life Picasso experienced himself during his first years in Paris, when Woman Ironing was painted. At that time, Picasso was a young, unknown artist living in relative poverty.



Heirs Sue Guggenheim to Recover Storied Picasso Painting, Citing ‘Wrongful Possession’

