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한인 비올리스트 리처드 용재 오닐(Richard Yongjae O'Neill)이 활동하는 타카츠 쿼텟(TAKÁCS QUARTET)이 창립 50주년을 맞아 2024-2025 시즌 스케줄을 발표했다. 1975년 헝가리 부다페스트에서 창단된 타카츠 쿼텟은 바이올리니스트 에드워드 뒤신베르(Edward Dusinberre)와 하루미 로즈(Harumi Rhodes), 비올리스트 리처드 오닐(Richard O'Neill), 첼리스트 안드라스 페제르(András Fejér)로 구성됐으며, 콜로라도주 덴버에 기반을 두고 있으며, 런던 위그모어홀의 어쏘시에이트 아티스트다.  





2024-2025 Season Highlights

Edward Dusinberre, violin; Harumi Rhodes, violin;
Richard O’Neill, viola; András Fejér, cello

2024-2025 Season Highlights

The Takács Quartet, widely regarded as one of the world’s great quartets, celebrate their 50th Anniversary season in 2024-2025; the Quartet are critically acclaimed around the world for their virtuosic performances, ingenious programming and unsurpassed recordings. On the brink of this major milestone, the Takács Quartet is generating excitement and looking toward the future, with a steady stream of new partnerships, commissions and recordings as well as an ambitious performance schedule.

This season, they will perform more than 40 concerts in North America (including Aspen, New York, Vancouver, Philadelphia, Washington DC, La Jolla, Berkeley and Portland, OR, among others); embark on two European tours, including Wigmore Hall, where they are Associate Artists; appear at the Edinburgh Festival; and conduct tours in Asia and Australia. The Takács’ 50th Anniversary will be celebrated in detail in an October cover story in The Strad

Major collaborations in 2024-2025 include reunions with pianist Jeremy Denk and Sir Stephen Hough, performing quintets by Brahms and Dvořák.  Throughout the season, the Quartet also performs Hough’s evocative, engaging first string quartet, Les Six rencontres, that he wrote for the Takács in 2020 and which they subsequently recorded for Hyperion. In addition, they continue collaborations with cellist David Requiro—playing Schubert’s transcendent two-cello quintet—and with bandoneon virtuoso Julien Labro.

In November, the Takács release their latest project for the Hyperion label: a digital release of Flow by Nokuthula Ngwenyama, which the Quartet premiered and toured last season to great acclaim and continue to perform. Later in the season, the Takács release an album (also on Hyperion) of Antonín Dvořák and Florence Price quintets with pianist Marc-André Hamelin. The Quartet’s most recent release for Hyperion, of Schubert’s D112 and D887 quartets, was the subject of an in-depth feature in Strings magazine and was named Gramophone’s Editor’s Choice for July 2024.

Looking forward, the Quartet have commissioned a new work from Clarice Assad for the 2025-2026 season, and they will record Mozart quintets with British violist Timothy Ridout at Wigmore Hall.

Violinist Ed Dusinberre has been with the Quartet since 1993; violinist Harumi Rhodes joined in 2018; violist Richard O’Neill joined in 2020, and cellist Andras Fejer is the last remaining founding member from the Quartet’s start in 1975.

For more information about the Takács Quartet and their extensive 2024-2025 activities, please visit their website.

Season Highlights

Friday, August 16, 2024 / Edinburgh, Scotland / EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL
HAYDN String Quartet Op. 76, No. 4 "Sunrise"
NOKUTHULA NGWENYAMA Flow (European Premiere)
SCHUBERT String Quartet in G D887

Sunday, September 8, 2024 / Denver, CO / DENVER FRIENDS OF CHAMBER MUSIC
MOZART: String Quartet in D minor, K.421
BRITTEN: String Quartet No. 2
BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in F Major, Opus 135

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 / Cincinnati, OH / MEMORIAL HALL
HAYDN: String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
JANÁČEK: String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata"
BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in F Major, Opus 59 No. 1

Thursday, September 26, 2024 / Houston, TX / DACAMERA with Jeremy Denk  
HAYDN: String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
JANÁČEK: String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata"
DVORAK: Piano Quintet in A Major, Opus 81 with Jeremy Denk, piano

Saturday, September 28, 2024 / Oberlin, OH / OBERLIN CONSERVATORY with Julien Labro, bandoneón & accordina
JULIEN LABRO Mediation No. 1
BACH Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 (arr. Labro)
RAVEL String Quartet in F Major

Sunday, September. 29, 2024 / Kalamazoo, MI / FONTANA
HAYDN: String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
JANACEK: String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata"
BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in F Major, Opus 59 No. 1

Saturday, October 19, 2024 / New York City, NY / PEOPLE’S SYMPHONY CONCERTS   
HAYDN: String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BRITTEN: String Quartet No. 2
BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in F Major, Opus 59 No. 1

Saturday, October 26, 2024 / La Jolla, CA / LA JOLLA MUSIC SOCIETY
HAYDN: String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
RAVEL: String Quartet in F Major
BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in F Major, Opus 59 No. 1

Monday, October 28, 2024 / Portland, OR / PORTLAND FRIENDS OF CHAMBER MUSIC with Julien Labro, bandoneón & accordina (More on this collaboration here.)
JULIEN LABRO Mediation No. 1
BACH Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 (arr. Labro)
RAVEL String Quartet in F Major

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Portland, OR / PORTLAND FRIENDS OF CHAMBER MUSIC
HAYDN: String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BRITTEN: String Quartet No. 2 
BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in F major, Opus 59 No. 1

EUROPEAN TOUR, November 5-24, 2024
November 5 /Basel, Switzerland / KAMMERMUSIK- BASEL
November 9 / Stockholm, Sweden / KONSERTHUSET STOCKHOLM
November 12 / London, UK / WIGMORE HALL
November 14 / London, UK / WIGMORE HALL
November 15 / Bath, UK / MOZARTFEST
November 19 / Milan, Italy / CONSERVATORIO VERDI
November 24 / Barcelona, Spain / L'AUDITORI

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 / Tucson, AZ / ARIZONA FRIENDS OF CHAMBER MUSIC with Jeremy Denk, piano
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
JANÁČEK String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Jeremy Denk, piano

Sunday, December 8, 2024 / Vancouver, BC / VANCOUVER FRIENDS OF CHAMBER MUSIC
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
BRITTEN String Quartet No. 2
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 135

Friday, January 17, 2025 / Chicago, IL / UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESENTS with Julien Labro, bandoneón & accordina
JULIEN LABRO Mediation No. 1
BACH Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 (arr. Labro)
RAVEL String Quartet in F Major

Thursday, January 23, 2025 / Philadelphia, PA / PHILADELPHIA CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY with Jeremy Denk, piano
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
JANÁČEK String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Jeremy Denk, piano

Sunday, January 26, 2025 / Berkeley, CA / CAL PERFORMANCES with Jeremy Denk, piano
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
JANÁČEK String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Jeremy Denk, piano

Monday, January 27, 2025 / Napa, CA / CHAMBER MUSIC IN NAPA VALLEY with Jeremy Denk, piano
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
JANÁČEK String Quartet No. 1 “Kreutzer Sonata”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Jeremy Denk, piano

Sunday, February 11, 2025 / Fernandina Beach, FL / AMELIA ISLAND CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL
HAYDN String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
HOUGH String Quartet No 1 “Les Six Rencontres”
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 59 No. 1

Friday, February 14, 2025 / Costa Mesa, CA / SEGERSTROM CENTER FOR THE ARTS with David Requiro, cello
HAYDN String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BRITTEN String Quartet No. 2
SCHUBERT String Quintet in C Major, D.956 with David Requiro, cello

Sunday, February 16, 2025 / Berkeley, CA / CAL PERFORMANCES
HAYDN String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BRITTEN String Quartet No. 2
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 59 No. 1

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 / College Park, MD / THE CLARICE AT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
HOUGH String Quartet No 1 “Les Six Rencontres”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Stephen Hough, piano

Thursday, February 20, 2025 / Princeton, NJ / PRINCETON UNIVERSITY CONCERTS with Stephen Hough, piano
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
HOUGH String Quartet No 1 “Les Six Rencontres”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Stephen Hough, piano

Friday, February 21, 2025 / Toronto, ON / THE ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC with Stephen Hough
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
HOUGH String Quartet No 1 “Les Six Rencontres”
BRAHMS Piano Quintet in F Minor, Opus 34 with Stephen Hough, piano

Sunday, February 23, 2025 / Albuquerque, NM / CHAMBER MUSIC ALBUQUERQUE with David Requiro, Cello
HAYDN String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BRITTEN String Quartet No. 2
SCHUBERT String Quintet in C Major, D.956 with David Requiro, cello

EUROPEAN TOUR, March  15-25, 2025
March 15 / Plymouth, UK / UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH
March 17 / London, UK / WIGMORE HALL
March 19 / London, UK / WIGMORE HALL
March 23 / Budapest, Hungary / FRANZ LISZT ACADEMY
March 25 / Bern, Switzerland / KONSERVATORIUM BERN

April 24, 2025 / Ann Arbor, MI / University of Michigan
HAYDN String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BRITTEN String Quartet No. 2
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 135

Saturday, April 26, 2025 / Santa Monica, CA / The Maestro Foundation with David Requiro, Cello
HAYDN String Quartet in C Major, Opus 54 No 2
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
SCHUBERT String Quintet in C Major, D.956 with David Requiro, cello

BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 18 No 1
BRITTEN String Quartet No. 2
BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F Major, Opus 135

Selected Press Quotes

“I couldn’t shake the memory of a blistering all-Bartók program that the Takács Quartet offered …at the Clark Library, in Los Angeles...Edward Dusinberre dug into the main tune with village-fiddler zest while Harumi Rhodes sawed away savagely at octave D’s, and Richard O’Neill struck pizzicatos that went off like firecrackers.”
—The New Yorker

“…describing them as one of the world’s best string quartets is unavoidable. It’s a delight when such an esteemed ensemble (now based in Boulder, Colorado) not only measures up to but exceeds its reputation in performance.“
—The Guardian




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