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2021 부조니 국제 피아노 콩쿠르에서 1등상과 4개의 특별상(작곡가 부조니 작품 연주상, 실내악 연주상, 타타로니 재단상, 기량 발전상)을 석권한 피아니스트 박재홍(Jae Hong Park, 1999년 생)이 2025년 3월 27일과 29일 애틀랜타 심포니 오케스트라(Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 음악감독 나탈리 스터츠만)와 스크리아빈의 피아노 콘체르토를 협연한다. 


이날 로버트 스파노(Robert Spano) 명예 음악감독이 지휘하는 애틀란타 심포니 오케스트라는 시벨리우스의 '타피올라(Tapiola)', 림스키-코르사코프의 '세헤라자데(Scheherazade)'를 연주할 예정이다. 애틀란타 심포니 오케스트라엔 안대희(Dae Hee Ahn, 바이올린), 정은영(Eun Young Jung), 양 윤 김(Yang-Yoon Kim, 비올라), 레이 김(Ray Kim, 첼로), 이사벨 권(Isabel Kwon, 첼로) 등이 소속되어 있다.  


한국예술종합학교에서 김대진 교수를 사사한 박재홍은 클리블랜드 국제영아티스트 콩쿠르와 지나 바카우어 국제 영아티스트 콩쿠르에서도 우승했다. 이스라엘 필하모닉 오케스트라, 유타 심포니 오케스트라, 이탈리아 이포메리지 무지칼리 오케스트라, 오케스트라 토스카니니, 서울시립교향악단, 유럽연합 유스 오케스트라 등과 협연해왔다. 




Jae Hong Park, Piano (Winner of the 2021 Busoni International Piano Competition)


March 27 & 29, 2025

Atlanta Symphony Hall: 1280 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA



SCRIABIN Piano Concerto




A shipwreck, a young princess, the sea and Sinbad’s ship—the many tales of 1001 Arabian Nights come to life in Rimsky-Korsakov’s vivid symphonic poem Scheherazade. With sensuous violin solos standing in for the legendary storyteller, “Rimsky” weaves a sumptuous, richly hued tapestry. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Music Director Laureate Robert Spano presents the young powerhouse Jae Hong Park, winner of the 2021 Busoni International Piano Competition, in a delightful rarity by Scriabin and opens the program with Sibelius’ enigmatic Tapiola, a tone poem inspired by the fiercely rugged Scandinavian wilderness.


Pianist Jae Hong Park is praised for his mesmerizing virtuosity and astounding stage presence. Described as “fearless” and “meticulous” artist, Jae Hong has emerged as one of the most sought-after pianists of his generation with his triumph from 2021 Ferruccio Busoni International Piano Competition, where he not only received the first-prize but also four special prizes. He also won several piano competitions in the past few years; he is the winner of the Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition for Young Artists and the Cleveland International Piano Competition for Young Artists. He is also the Finalist Prize winner at the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Masters Competition and is a laureate of Ettlingen International Competition, Hilton Head International Piano Competition and many others. 


Jae Hong gave successful international debut at the age of 15 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has also held his debut-recital at the Frick Collection in New York as well as in Amsterdam and Utrecht in Netherlands. He has performed recitals in many countries including Italy, Poland, Spain, Romania, Luxembourg, and the United States. As a soloist, he has performed with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Jerusalem Camerata, Utah Symphony Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra to name a few, and worked with leading conductors such as Tung-Chieh Chuang, James Feddeck, Massimo Zanetti, Omer Meir Wellber, Avner Biron, Arvo Volmer and many others. 


Upcoming highlights include solo recitals at Leipzig Gewandhaus, Munich Herkulessaal, London Steinway Hall, Vienna Konzerthaus as well as recital tour in Italy. He will collaborate with the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) under the baton of maestro Gianandrea Noseda, Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra with Maestro Myung-Whun Chung, I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra, Orchestra Haydn, the Orchestra Sinfonica di Verona, and the Orchestra Toscanini. He would also be featured at the Festival Olympus, Tongyeong International Music Festival, and many other Festivals. He had been awarded with a ‘Special Prize for Chamber Music’ at the Busoni Competition and will go on tour with the Schumann Quartet during the season 2022/2023. 


Jae Hong released his first CD-Recording with Universal Music in February 2022, and it features L. v. Beethoven; Hammerklavier Sonata, F. Busoni; 10 Variationen über ein Präludium von Chopin, and J. S.Bach-F. Busoni; “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”. 


Born in Suwon, South Korea, in 1999, Jae Hong has started playing piano at the age of 7 and gave his very first stage at the age of 9. He is studying with Prof. Daejin Kim at Korea National University of the Arts. 




한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드
#25 K-클래식: 정경화에서 임윤찬까지 콩쿠르 강국 The Korean Musical Mystery 
피아노, 바이올린, 첼로, 성악, 작곡...한인 클래식 연주자들은 최근 20년간 세계 3대 콩쿠르와 밴클라이번 콩쿠르를 휩쓸었다. 4년마다 텍사스에서 열리는 '피아노 올림픽' 밴클라이번 에선 2017(선우예권), 2022(임윤찬) 연속 한인들이 우승을 차지했했다. 퀸 엘리자베스 콩쿠르가 열리는 벨기에의 감독 티어리 롤로는 콩쿠르 강국 한국에 관한 다큐멘터리 '한국 클래식의 수수께끼(The Korean Musical Mystery, 2012)'를 연출했다. 


33 Keys to Decoding the Korean Wave
#25 K-Classical Music: The Korean Musical Mystery 
Piano, violin, cello, voice, composition. Korean classical musicians have won the world's top three competitions (Chopin, Tchaikovsky & Queen Elisabeth) and the Van Cliburn competition over the past 20 years. At the "Piano Olympics" Van Cliburn competition held in Texas every four years, Koreans won the gold medals in 2017 and 2022. Belgian Thiery Loreau directed the documentary "The Korean Musical Mystery" (2012) to investigate the Korean phenomena.

