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Yekwon Plays Beethoven


THU, OCT 3, 7:30 PM @Flushing Town Hall (137-35 Northern Blvd., Flushing)

SAT, OCT 5, 7:30 PM @W83 Auditorium (150 West 83rd St.) 


Witness the remarkable artistry of esteemed pianist and Van Cliburn competition laureate, Yekwon Sunwoo, as he makes his return to Flushing Town Hall, a hub of diverse creativity. This time, Sunwoo presents his insightful interpretation of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4, revealing his profound connection with the composer's intricate and reflective work. The program also features Holst's majestic Jupiter and J.S. Bach's Prelude, Chorale and Fugue, both arranged by Samuel Adler, as well as Britten's lively Three Divertimenti. Embark on a captivating musical journey that showcases the rich variety of classical music.




HOLST / Jupiter (arr. Samuel Adler)

J. S. BACH / Prelude, Chorale and Fugue (arr. Samuel Adler)

BRITTEN / Three Divertimenti

BEETHOVEN / Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 (arr. Yoomi Paick)





Dongmin Kim conductor

Dongmin Kim is quickly establishing himself as one of the most inspiring and versatile conductors. He is the Music Director of the celebrated and innovated New York Classical Players(NYCP), a chamber orchestra comprised of today's most gifted instrumentalists. His recent and upcoming engagements in the world's prestigious stages include Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Jordan Hall, Herbst Theatre, Faulkner Performing Arts Center, Seoul Arts Center, and the Lotte Concert Hall, to name a few.


Since founding NYCP in 2010, Mr. Kim has led around 200 concerts in the NYC metro area, three international tours from Asia to South America, a statewide residency with seven state universities in Arkansas, and a US national tour with superstar soprano Sumi Jo. Mr. Kim collaborates with some of the world's renowned artists, including Miriam Fried, Donald Weilerstein, Kim Kashkashian, Cho-Liang Lin, Pamela Frank, Charles Neidich, Peter Wiley, Carol Wincenc, Kun-Woo Paik, HaeSun Paik, Chee-Yun, Stefan Jackiw, Jasmine Choi, and Richard O'Neill.


A native of Seoul, Mr. Kim has studied Orchestral Conducting and Viola at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. His musical mentors include Kurt Masur, Janos Starker, Alan de Vertich, Leonard Slatkin, Imre Pallo, Thomas Baldner, and David Effron. Mr. Kim resides in New York City with his wife, Sally.


Yekwon Sunwoo piano

Yekwon Sunwoo has been hailed for his “unfailingly consistent excellence” (International Piano) and celebrated as “a pianist who commands a comprehensive technical arsenal that allows him to thunder without breaking a sweat” (Chicago Tribune). A powerful and virtuosic performer, he also, in his own words, “strives to reach for the truth and pure beauty in music.”


The first Korean Gold medallist of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, Yekwon’s 23/24 season includes appearances with the Macao, Armenian, Kalamazoo & Victoria Symphonies, Slovak Philharmonic, Orchestre de Chambre de Paris as well as a US tour with the Esme String Quartet.


Born in Anyang, South Korea, Yekwon began learning the piano at the age of 8 and made his recital and orchestral debuts in Seoul at 15. His teachers include Seymour Lipkin, Robert McDonald, Richard Goode and Bernd Goetzke. 


In 2017, Decca Gold released Cliburn Gold 2017 two weeks after Yekwon was awarded the Gold Medal and includes his award-winning performances of Ravel’s La Valse and Rachmaninov’s Second Piano Sonata. In 2020 Yekwon went on to release his first studio album for Decca Universal Music Korea featuring an all-Mozart programme. His second album featuring Rachmaninov solo works will be released in September 2023.


Full bio provided by NYCP Music.




*피아니스트 선우예권 뉴스쿨(NY) 리사이틀(7/15)서 진은숙 작곡 '토카타' 등 연주





한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드
#25 K-클래식: 정경화에서 임윤찬까지 콩쿠르 강국 The Korean Musical Mystery 
피아노, 바이올린, 첼로, 성악, 작곡...한인 클래식 연주자들은 최근 20년간 세계 3대 콩쿠르와 밴클라이번 콩쿠르를 휩쓸었다. 4년마다 텍사스에서 열리는 '피아노 올림픽' 밴클라이번 에선 2017(선우예권), 2022(임윤찬) 연속 한인들이 우승을 차지했했다. 퀸 엘리자베스 콩쿠르가 열리는 벨기에의 감독 티어리 롤로는 콩쿠르 강국 한국에 관한 다큐멘터리 '한국 클래식의 수수께끼(The Korean Musical Mystery, 2012)'를 연출했다. 


33 Keys to Decoding the Korean Wave
#25 K-Classical Music: The Korean Musical Mystery 
Piano, violin, cello, voice, composition. Korean classical musicians have won the world's top three competitions (Chopin, Tchaikovsky & Queen Elisabeth) and the Van Cliburn competition over the past 20 years. At the "Piano Olympics" Van Cliburn competition held in Texas every four years, Koreans won the gold medals in 2017 and 2022. Belgian Thiery Loreau directed the documentary "The Korean Musical Mystery" (2012) to investigate the Korean phenomena.

