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The 2024 MacArthur Fellows


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'천재 그랜트(Genius Grant)'로 불리우는 2024 맥아더 펠로우(MacArthur Fellows) 22인이 10월 1일 발표됐다.


맥아더 펠로쉽 프로그램은 1981년부터 존 D. 와 캐서린 T. 맥아더 재단이 "청의적인 추구에서 탁월한 독창성과 헌신을 보여주며, 자기 주도에 대해 현저한 능력을 보여준 미국 시민이나 거주자를 대상으로 매년 20-30명씩 선정한다. 2022년 상금은 5년에 걸쳐 분기별로 총 80만 달러 사용에 조건이 없는 '꿈의 그랜트'다.


이 프로그램은 신청을 받지 않으며, 재단이 익명의 기밀 후보자를 초대하고, 약 12명의 기밀 선발위원회의 검토를 거쳐서 선정한다. 분야도 학자, 영화감독, 아티스트, 뮤지션, 소셜워커 등 다양하며, 수상자는 18세부터 82세까지 폭이 넓다.


한인으로는 2003년 김용 전 세계은행 총재, 2021년엔 최돈미 시인/번역가, 2022년엔   허준이 프린스턴대 수학과/ 한국 고등과학원 석학교수, 모니카 김 위스콘신-매디슨대 역사학과 교수, 최예진 워싱턴대 컴퓨터공학과 교수가 받았다. 그랜트는 80만 달러. https://www.macfound.org/programs/awards/fellows



The 2024 MacArthur Fellows


These 22 exceptionally creative individuals redefine their fields and elevate vital voices with imagination and intention. They shift how we connect to one another, the world, our history, and our stories.


“The 2024 MacArthur Fellows pursue rigorous inquiry with aspiration and purpose. They expose biases built into emerging technologies and social systems and fill critical gaps in the knowledge of cycles that sustain life on Earth. Their work highlights our shared humanity, centering the agency of disabled people, the humor and histories of Indigenous communities, the emotional lives of adolescents, and perspectives of rural Americans.” 


Loka Ashwood, sociologist

“Shedding light on rural identity and culture and on the ecological, economic, and social challenges facing many rural communities.”


Ruha Benjamin, transdisciplinary scholar and writer

“Illuminating how technology reflects and reproduces inequality and championing the role of imagination in social transformation.”


Justin Vivian Bond, artist and performer

“Working in the cabaret tradition and weaving cultural critique and an ethic of care into performances that center queer joy.”


Jericho Brown, poet

“Reflecting on contemporary culture and identity in works that combine formal experimentation and intense self-examination.”


Tony Cokes, media artist

“Creating video works that re-contextualize historical and cultural moments.”


Nicola Dell, computer information scientist

“Developing technology interventions to address the needs of overlooked populations, such as survivors of intimate partner violence.”


Johnny Gandelsman, violinist and producer

“Reimagining classical works and nurturing the creation of new music across styles and genres.”


Sterlin Harjo, filmmaker

“Telling stories about the daily lives of contemporary Native Americans with humor and deep affection.”


Juan Felipe Herrera, poet, educator, and writer

“Uplifting Chicanx culture and amplifying shared experiences of solidarity and empowerment.”


Ling Ma, fiction writer

“Exploring the intersection of speculative and contemporary fiction in stories about alienation, immigration, and materialism.”


Jennifer L. Morgan, historian

“Deepening understanding of how the exploitation of enslaved women enabled the institutionalization of race-based slavery in early America and the Black Atlantic.”


Martha Muñoz, evolutionary biologist

“Investigating the motors and brakes of evolution.”


Shailaja Paik, historian

“Exploring the intersection of caste, gender, and sexuality in modern India through the lives of Dalit women.”


Joseph Parker, evolutionary biologist

“Uncovering the origins of symbiosis in rove beetles and the evolution of complex organismal traits.”


Ebony G. Patterson, multimedia artist

“Creating visually dazzling works that explore themes of visibility, beauty, race, class, violence, mourning, and regeneration.”


Shamel Pitts, dancer and choreographer

“Pioneering experimental performance works inspired by Afrofuturism while reimagining collective ways of world-building.”


Wendy Red Star, visual artist

“Engaging with archival materials in works that challenge colonial historical narratives.”


Jason Reynolds, children’s and young adult writer

“Depicting the rich inner lives of kids of color and ensuring that they see themselves and their communities in literature.”


Dorothy Roberts, legal scholar and public policy researcher

“Exposing racial inequities embedded in social service systems and uplifting the experiences of people caught up in them.”


Keivan G. Stassun, science educator and astronomer

“Expanding opportunities in STEM education and careers for underrepresented populations.”


Benjamin Van Mooy, oceanographer

“Investigating how microbial organisms shape cycling of elements fundamental to life in marine environments.”


Alice Wong, writer, editor, and disability justice activist

“Increasing the political and cultural visibility of people with disabilities and catalyzing broader understandings of disability.”




*허준이, 모니카 김, 최예진 교수 2022 맥아더 펠로우(천재상)...그랜트 80만 달러 #MacFellow

