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Charlotte Park: The Life of Forms in Color

Works from the Permanent Collection 1950-1985


October 27, 2024–March 2, 2025

Parrish Art Museum: 279 Montauk Hwy, Water Mill, NY 11976



Charlotte Park (American, 1918–2010). Untitled, c. 1960, gouache on paper, 22 1/2 x 22 1/2 in. Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, N.Y. 


추상표현주의 화가 샬롯 파크 회고전 'Charlotte Park: The Life of Forms in Color'@패리쉬미술관(10/27-3/2, 2025)


1940-50년대 롱아일랜드 햄턴 지구에서 잭슨 폴락-리 크래스너 부부와 어울리며 활동했던 추상표현주의 화가 샬롯 파크(1918-2010)의 회고전 'Charlotte Park: The Life of Forms in Color'이 10월 27일부터 내년 3월 2일까지 롱아일랜드 워터밀에 자리한 패리쉬미술관에서 열린다. 


샬롯 파크는 매사추세츠주 콩코드에서 태어나 예일대에서 미술을 전공했다. 화가 남편 제임스 브룩스(James Brooks, 1906-1992)와 롱아일랜드 몬탁에서 살며  폴록-크래스너 서클에 합류해 활동했다. 1954년 허리케인으로 작업실이 파괴된 후 이스트햄튼 스프링스의 별장으로 이주해 작업해왔다. 이번 전시엔 제임스앤샬롯 브룩스 재단이 2017년 패리쉬미술관에 기증한 작품 중 70여점이 선보인다. 패리쉬미술관은 2023년 제임스 브룩스 회고전 'JAMES BROOKS: A PAINTING IS A REAL THING'을 열었다. 


*잭슨 폴락의 잊혀진 친구 제임스 브룩스(James Brooks) 회고전@패리쉬 미술관(Parrish Art Museum)




Charlotte Park: The Life of Forms in Color



Charlotte Park (American, 1918–2010). Initiation, c. 1955, oil on canvas, 48 1/2 x 36 in. Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, N.Y.


Charlotte Park: The Life of Forms in Color is a survey comprising of more than 70 paintings and works on paper, drawn exclusively from the 2017 gift of works to the Parrish by the James and Charlotte Brooks Foundation. Overshadowed by the attention given to the work of her husband, James Brooks, Park kept a fairly low profile over the course of her career while painting some of the strongest and most brilliantly colored canvases of her time. Color and form, often related to the living environment surrounding the studio she shared with her husband, were strong and constant forces in her work.


Born in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1918, Park studied from 1935 to 1939 at the Yale School of Fine Art. After moving to New York, Brooks and Park soon became part of the circle of Jackson Pollock and his wife Lee Krasner. They rented a studio space that had been occupied by Pollock and joined Pollock and Krasner, along with other artists working in establishing studios on Long Island. They stayed first in Montauk, but after their studio was destroyed by a hurricane in 1954, they moved to a cottage in Springs, East Hampton, which became their full-time residence.


The exhibition follows Park’s abstractions of color and form inspired by organic life from her diffident embraces of color in the early to mid-1950s through her assertive yet playful compositions of the 1980s.


Charlotte Park: The Life of Forms in Color is curated by Klaus Ottmann, Robert Lehman Curator, with additional support from Kaitlin Halloran, Associate Curator and Publications Manager.






*천재 화가와 두 여인 <1> '미국의 반 고흐' 잭슨 폴락

*천재화가와 두 여인 <2> '잭슨 폴락의 구원자' 리 크래스너 

*천재화가와 두 여인 <3> '뉴욕화단의 팜므 파탈' 루스 클리그만 

*천재화가와 두 여인 <4> 폴락-크래스너 하우스 

*잭슨 폴락 회고전(1934-1954)@MoMA, 3015

*빵굽는 화가 잭슨 폴락 요리책 Dinner with Jackson Pollock 출간

*잭슨 폴락과 오네트 콜만과 재즈

