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뉴욕시엔 700만 그루의 나무가 있다. 이중 120 그루는 '위대한 나무(Great Trees)'에 선정되어 있다. 뉴욕시 공원국이 1985년 이후 처음 '위대한 나무' 리스트를 업데이트하며 61 그루를 추가했다. 선정 기준은 크기, 모양, 종류, 역사적 중요성으로 2023년 4월부터 2024년 3월 사이에 접수된 270 그루 중  대학, 시민 기관, 저자 및 수목 전문가로 구성된 위원회에서 61 그루를 목록에 올렸다. 리스트는 웹사이트에서 볼 수 있다. 브루클린식물원에서는 5그루가 '위대한 나무'로 선정됐는데, 컬빗이 가장 좋아하는 수선화 언덕(Daffodil Hill)의 상수리 나무(사진)는 빠져있다. 


*뉴욕 스토리 (700) 홍영혜: 위대한 나무 이야기 4-불굴의 정원, 희망의 나무





Great Trees of New York City


New York City is home to millions of trees, but only a few can lay claim to being the "Great Trees of New York City." In 1985, the city embarked on its first Great Tree Search, seeking nominations from citizens in each borough for trees of unusual size, species, form or historical association. The heritage trees that were selected best represent the diversity and scale of New York City's urban forest.


As time passed, new trees grew to impressive sizes, and new events occurred that were worthy of commemoration. In 2023, we embarked on a new Great Tree search with the goal of increasing both the number of trees and the diversity of people telling these stories. The next generation of Great Trees were announced in 2024, expanding the reach of the Great Tree initiative.


Ecological Benefits of Great Trees

Not only are Great Trees symbols of the city, but they also provide great ecological benefits. Mature trees such as these heritage trees help cool the air, remove air pollution, capture rainfall, and save energy.


What makes a Great Tree?

Through a public process, New Yorkers in every community were invited to nominate exceptional trees, as defined by their historic, botanical, and cultural significance, with the goal of increasing both the number of trees and the diversity of people telling these stories.


#Historic Significance

Trees bear witness to many important historical moments across our city reflecting the diversity and lived experiences of New Yorkers.


#Botanical Significance

Great Trees may be rare species or varieties, remnants of historic or native ecosystems, trees with profound form or structure, or unique in other aesthetic or scientific ways.


#Cultural Significance

Some trees may have a strong association with a belief, person, place, or event of cultural importance to a community, reflect cultural expressions, or appear in works of art.


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