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루브르뮤지엄이 파리 올림픽을 기해 마케팅에 박차를 가하고 있다. ArtNewspaper.com에 따르면, 미국의 래퍼 스눕독과 배우 나탈리 포트만은 각각 루브르를 투어했으며, 최근엔 팝스타 레이디 가가를 초대했다. 레이디 가가가 호아퀸 피닉스와 공연한 '조커(Joker, 2019)' 속편 '조커:두 사람의 광기(Joker: Folie à Deux)'는 10월 4일 개봉했으나 흥행에 저조하다. 레이디 가가는 이 영화에서 조커의 공범자인 리 퀸젤(일명 할리 퀸)으로 분했다.

루브르뮤지엄은 올 가을 특별전 '바보들의 형상: 중세부터 낭만주의까지(Figures of the Fool: From the Middle Ages to the Romantics)'(10/16-2/3, 2025)를 연다.  




Lady Gaga in "Joker: Folie à Deux" (2024) Photo: Louvre Museum


Figures of the Fool

From the Middle Ages to the Romantics


16 October 2024 – 3 February 2025

Louvre Museum, Paris


Fools are everywhere. But are the fools of today the same as the fools of yesteryear? This fall, the Musée du Louvre is dedicating an unprecedented exhibition to the myriad figures of the fool, which permeated the pictorial landscape of the 13th to the 16th centuries. Over the course of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the fool came to occupy every available artistic space, insinuating himself into illuminated manuscripts, printed books and engravings, tapestries, paintings, sculptures, and all manner of objects both precious and mundane. His fascinating, perplexing and subversive figure loomed large in the turmoil of an era not so different from our own.


The exhibition examines the omnipresence of fools in Western art and culture at the end of the Middle Ages, and attempts to parse the meaning of these figures, who would seem to play a key role in the advent of modernity. The fool may make us laugh, with his abundance of frivolous antics, but he also harbours a wealth of hidden facets of an erotic, scatological, tragic or violent nature. Capable of the best and of the worst, the fool entertains, warns or denounces; he turns societal values on their head and may even overthrow the established order.


Within the newly renovated Hall Napoléon, this exhibition, which brings together over 300 works from 90 French, European and American institutions, brings us on a one-of-a-kind journey through Northern European art (English, Flemish, Germanic, and above all French), illuminating the profane aspects of the Middle Ages and revealing a fascinating era of surprising complexity. The exhibition explores the disappearance of the figure of the fool with the Enlightenment and the triumph of reason, and its resurgence at the end of the 18th century and all throughout the 19th. The fool then became a figure with which artists identified, wondering: ‘What if I were the fool?’


Exhibition Curators

Élisabeth Antoine-König, Senior Curator in the Department of Decorative Arts, and Pierre-Yves Le Pogam, Senior Curator in the Department of Sculptures, Musée du Louvre



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