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도날드 트럼프 행정부가 국립공원청(NPS) 직원 1천여명을 해고한 후 알래스카에서 텍사스, 플로리다 등 전국 32곳의 NPS 사무소를 폐쇄한다. 이중에는 텍사스에서 유일하게 UNESCO 세계문화유산으로 지정된 샌안토니오 미션스 국립역사공원, 알래스카 페어뱅크스 공공토지정보센터, 플로리다 탤러해시의 로버트 존슨 빌딩 등이 포함되어 있다. 


Judge J. Smith Henley Federal Building in Harrison, Arkansas: This building is the headquarters for the Buffalo National River national park site and houses its water quality testing lab, emergency services and numerous staff necessary keep this river clean and safe for millions of visitors.

Robert Johnson Building in Tallahassee, Florida: The Park Service’s Archaeological Center is a climate-controlled facility that holds over eight million artifacts for dozens of national park sites in the Southeast.

San Antonio Missions law enforcement facility in San Antonio, Texas: This facility houses numerous NPS employees who manage the park including first response and other public safety functions, maintenance, IT, equipment storage, and artifacts.


