리버 카페 디너 A Dinner at The River Café
A Dinner at The River Café # APPETIZER: Three Shells a variety of chilled shellfish fresh abalone, citrus, soy, lime Kumomoto oysters, cucumber Champagne mignonette Taylor Bay scallop ceviche, sea bean, tomato, coriander # MAIN COURSE: Lamb ...Date2017.07.02 CategoryPhotoBang Views1091 -
구나현 개인전:변호사들@브라운갤러리(서울, 6/22-7/13)
구나현 개인전:변호사들 출판과 미술의 콜라보레이션, 변호사와 화가의 만남 6월 22일-7월 13일 @브라운 갤러리(서울) '변호사들' 전시회 포스터(구나현 작, 안병찬) 뉴욕의 장준환 변호사가 쓴 넌픽션 '변호사들: 그들의 치열한 법정에서 한국 민주주의가 시...Date2017.07.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views4565 -
브루클린브리지파크, 디칼프 마켓홀과 제휴
Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy Partners with DeKalb Market Hall for Movies With A View BROOKLYN, June 30, 2017 — The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy (Conservancy) is excited to announce a new partnership with DeKalb Market Hall – the new...Date2017.07.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1093 -
제 1차 세계대전 포스터와 애국주의@뉴욕시뮤지엄
Posters and Patriotism: Selling World War I in New York Through October 9, 2017 James Montgomery Flagg (1877-1960), I Want You for U.S. Army, c. 1917. Museum of the City of New York Spend your July 4th holiday at the exhibition that brings t...Date2017.07.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1137 -
뉴욕 변호사 장준환씨 '변호사들' 출간
안병찬, 김병로, 이인, 허헌, 이병린, 이돈명, 이태영, 황인철, 조영래, 노무현, 한승헌 뉴욕 변호사 장준환씨 '변호사들' 출간 변호사들:그들의 치열한 법정에서 한국 민주주의가 시작되었다 장준환 지음 | 한스컨텐츠 | 2017년 06월 23일 출간 『변호사들』...Date2017.06.30 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3321 -
2016 보르도 톱 10 랭킹 -소더비 와인-
2016 CAMPAIGN SUMMARY & TOP 10 RANKINGSSotheby's Wine Futures Rankings Released As we do every year, we are pleased to announce our sales rankings for the Bordeaux Futures campaign which has just finished. By both value and volume, Mout...Date2017.06.29 CategoryCulBeat Express Views757 -
리하르트 게르스틀@노이에 갈러리(6/29-9/25)
Richard Gerstl June 29-Sept. 25, 2017 @Neue Galerie "The concussive force of the works on display at the Neue Galerie may bring the renown that [Gerstl] richly deserves." - The New Yorker Richard Gerstl (1883-1908) was an extremely original ...Date2017.06.29 CategoryCulBeat Express Views921 -
서효숙 개인전 'Vitality'@리버사이드갤러리(NJ)(7/3-8)
서효숙 개인전 'Vitality' 7월 3일-7월 8일 리버사이드 갤러리(뉴저지) Harmony-light, 91cm X106cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2016 서효숙 작가의 19번째 개인전 (Vitality)이 리버사이드 갤러리 (One Riverside Sq. STE 201 Hackensack, NJ )에서 7월 3일 부터 7...Date2017.06.29 CategoryCulBeat Express Views959 -
페이스북을 탈퇴하는 여러가지 이유
페이스북은 누구에게나 자신을 표현할 수 있는 플랫폼. 그러나, 탈퇴하는 이들도 많다. 이유는? 가족 문제 연루, 낯선 이의 재등장, 끊임없는 스크롤 중독, 친구요청, 종교 문제, 나르시스트, 비교심리 부축... http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/people-...Date2017.06.29 CategoryNYCB Radar Views1258 -
브루클린식물원 선셋 피크닉
Sunset Picnic at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden June 28, 2017 Special Members’ Events, Summer 2017 June 14: Rose Night June 28: Sunset Picnic Night July 5: Garden Cocktail & Picnic Night July 26: Members' Night for Children & Sunset Pic...Date2017.06.29 CategoryPhotoBang Views802 -
프릭, 모건, 노이에갈러리 통합 티켓 코노써 패스($40) 론칭
The Frick Collection, The Morgan Library & Museum, and Neue Galerie New York to Introduce the Connoisseur Pass In First-Ever Admissions Collaboration Special Offer Will Be Available to Visitors in July and August 2017 The Frick Collectio...Date2017.06.28 CategoryCulBeat Express Views527 -
ABT 2017 가을 시즌 프로그램 발표(10/18-29)
MoMA 7-8월 목,금, 토요일 오후 9시까지 개관
THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART ANNOUNCES EXTENDED SUMMER HOURS Collection and Exhibition Galleries, The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, MoMA Stores, and Select Café Service Open Until 9:00 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays in Ju...Date2017.06.26 CategoryCulBeat Express Views790 -
모믹스(MOMIX) 오퍼스 칵터스 리바이벌 공연@조이스시어터(6/27-7/16)
MOMIX Announces Performances at The Joyce Theater Acclaimed Production, “Opus Cactus” Returns to NYC For First Time in Over a Decade June 27 – July 16, 2017 Photo: Charles Azzopardi New York, NY– MOMIX celebrates the kick off of the company'...Date2017.06.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1257 -
거버너스 아일랜드 놀란 파크 콘서트(6/25)
Phyllis Chen, Anthony De Mare, Pam Goldberg & Blair McMillen in John Cage and Today ? “Sonatas and (New) Interludes” Saturday, June 25, 2017 at 1pm & 3pm Nolan Park, Governors Island Rite of Summer Music Festival continues its sevent...Date2017.06.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1072 -
주디 시카고 '디너 파티'의 뿌리 특별전@브루클린뮤지엄(10/20-3/4, 2018)
Roots of "The Dinner Party": History in the Making is the First In-Depth Look at the Making of Judy Chicago's Iconic Work The exhibition concludes A Year of Yes: Reimagining Feminism at the Brooklyn Museum October 20, 2017 - March 4, 2018 Ju...Date2017.06.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1410 -
모스틀리 모차르트 페스티벌...플루티스트 재스민 최 듀오 콘서트(7/28)
LINCOLN CENTER’S 2017 MOSTLY MOZART FESTIVAL Opening Weeks: July 25–August 6, 2017 Louis Langrée to lead Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra in a Special Opening-Night Presentation and the New York Premiere of David Lang’s man made, Featuring S...Date2017.06.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1381 -
아니카 이 등 '무기로서의 성(gender)' 그룹전@뉴뮤지엄(9/27-1/21, 2018)
NEW MUSEUM TO OPEN "TRIGGER: GENDER AS A TOOL AND A WEAPON," A MAJOR EXHIBITION INVESTIGATING GENDER'S PLACE IN CONTEMPORARY ART AND CULTURE September 27, 2017–January 21, 2018 Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Darkroom Mirror (0X5A1531), 2017. Archival pi...Date2017.06.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1126 -
서도호 하이라인공원 남단 '95 Horatio Street' 설치
PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION BY DO HO SUH DEBUTS ON JUNE 26NEW YORK, June 21, 2017—A new work by Do Ho Suh (b. 1962, Seoul, South Korea) will be presented as part of the ongoing series of public art installations located across the street from t...Date2017.06.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1495 -
뉴욕 아시아영화제 한국영화인 11인 참석
FILM SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER AND SUBWAY CINEMA ANNOUNCE UPDATED AWARDEES AND SPECIAL GUESTS FOR 16th NEW YORK ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL DUAN Yihong and GANG Dong-won to receive Star Asia Award, Jung Byung-gil to receive Excellence in Action Cin...Date2017.06.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1224