미영화박물관 '짐 헨슨' 특별전(7/22- )
MUSEUM OF THE MOVING IMAGE ANNOUNCES ‘THE JIM HENSON EXHIBITION’ WILL OPEN SATURDAY, JULY 22 The permanent exhibition at the New York museum is devoted to the creative innovator and puppeteer who brought to life some of America’s most memora...Date2017.05.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1307 -
링컨센터의 하마 발레리나(Hippo Ballerina)
Hippo Ballerina by Bjørn Okholm Skaarup @Lincoln Center, Dante Park(64th St. & Broadway) Hippo Ballerina by Bjørn Okholm Skaarup 록펠러센터엔 제프 쿤스의 가벼운 풍선 발레리나(Seated Ballerina), 링컨센터엔 15피트 키에 2.5톤짜리 '하마 발레...Date2017.05.24 CategoryPhotoBang Views4175 -
카네기홀 앞 팝업 콘서트(5/26)
ENSEMBLE CONNECT PERFORMS ON YELLOW BARN MUSIC HAUL, THE FIRST TRAVELING CONCERT STAGE OF ITS KIND THAT UNFOLDS FROM A U-HAUL TRUCK Sidewalk Pop Up Concert To Take Place Outside Carnegie Hall On May 26 During Yellow Barn’s “Music No Boundar...Date2017.05.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views567 -
황치석 조선왕조 기록화 전시@뉴욕한국문화원(5/31-8/31)
황치석 조선왕조 기록화 전시 5월 31일-8월 31일, 뉴욕한국문화원 뉴욕한국문화원(원장 오승제) 설립 초기부터 영구 설치되어 있는 사랑방 재현 공간에 2017년 뉴욕한국문화원 공모전에서 당선된 조선 왕실 기록화 및 궁중화 전문가이자 작가로 활동하는 윤겸 ...Date2017.05.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1709 -
알렉산더 칼더 'Hypermobility'@휘트니뮤지엄(6/9-10/23)
CALDER: HYPERMOBILITY JUN 9–OCT 23, 2017 Black and white image of sculptures in motion. Alexander Calder (1898–1976), Dancers and Sphere (maquette for 1939 New York World’s Fair) set in motion in Calder’s “small shop” New York City storefron...Date2017.05.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views883 -
매그넘 포토 70주년 특별전@국제사진센터(ICP) (5/26-9/3)
Magnum Manifesto A Contemporary Look at the Contributions of Magnum Photos over 70 Years On view: May 26–September 3, 2017 Location: ICP Museum | 250 Bowery, New York, NY NEW YORK, NY (MAY 2017) – The International Center of Photography (ICP...Date2017.05.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2397 -
알버트 비어스타트 '록키산의 폭풍' 보존 전시@브루클린뮤지엄(6/7-7/16)
Conservation Will Take Place in View of the Public on the Brooklyn Museum Collection Masterpiece A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie, by Albert Bierstadt, from June 7 to July 16, 2017 Visitors to the Brooklyn Museum will have the opp...Date2017.05.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views948 -
프랑스 고전시대 드로잉전@모건라이브러리(6/16-10/15)
MASTER DRAWINGS FROM SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY FRANCE FEATURED IN NEW EXHIBITION AT THE MORGAN Poussin, Claude, and French Drawing in the Classical Age June 16 through October 15, 2017 New York, NY, May, 22, 2017 — The French refer to the seventee...Date2017.05.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views956 -
김원숙 개인전 'PASSAGES'@조지 버제스 갤러리(6/1-11)
WONSOOK KIM-PASSAGES June 1-11, 2017 Georges Bergès Gallery, NY Georges Bergès Gallery is pleased to announce Passages, a Wonsook Kim’s solo exhibition featuring abstract paintings and sculptures. “Rooted in the universal,” “grounding,” and ...Date2017.05.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views991 -
마크 라이든 '휩드 크림(Whipped Cream)'의 미술 전시
MARK RYDEN: THE ART OF WHIPPED CREAM EXHIBITION TO OPEN MAY 19 AT THE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE American Ballet Theatre presents Mark Ryden: The Art of Whipped Cream, an exhibition of work by pop-surrealist Mark Ryden, on view in the Arnold a...Date2017.05.20 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2254 -
바스키아 '무제' 1억1천만 달러 경매로 미국 작가 최고 기록 수립
Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Masterpiece ‘Untitled’ Sells for $110.5 Million – Setting Auction Record for the Artist – – Record for a Work by an American Artist at Auction – Acquired by Yusaku Maezawa for Planned Museum in Chiba, Japan 18 May 201...Date2017.05.19 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2229 -
휘트니 ISP 독립 큐레이터 '키친' 전시(5/23-6/10)
2017 WHITNEY ISP CURATORIAL EXHIBITION TO BE PRESENTED AT THE KITCHEN NEW YORK, May 18, 2017—From May 23 to June 10, 2017, the Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program presents That I am reading backwards and into for a purpo...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views989 -
스티브 맥퀸 '인박스(Inbox)'@MoMA(5/6-9, 2017)
Inbox: Steve McQueenMay 6–Summer 2017 The Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium, MoMA Inbox: Steve McQueen, MoMA Photo: NYCultureBeat The Museum of Modern Art will display Static (2009), a recently acquired digital projection of a 35mm fi...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2909 -
뉴욕필 앨런 길버트 마지막 콘서트
ALAN GILBERT SEASON FINALE: A CONCERT FOR UNITY New York Philharmonic To Present “What Is Cultural Diplomacy?” FREE PUBLIC SYMPOSIUM Hosted by ALAN GILBERT Moderated by FAREED ZAKARIA With Panelists YO-YO MA, DEBORA SPAR, KARIM WASFI, and IR...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3360 -
토요일 밤의 열기 'Warm-Up'@MoMA PS1
WARM UP 2017 Every Saturday, July 1–September 2, 2017 We’re proud to present this diverse lineup of more than 50 emerging and established artists—both new and returning—who will be part of our landmark 20th season. Be there every Saturday fo...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views924 -
알재단 2017 공모전 수상자: 고태화, 자비에 차, 우주연
고태화씨 2017 알재단 현대미술 공모전 금상 수상 비영리 미술인 지원단체 알재단 (AHL Foundation 대표 이숙녀)이 제 14회 현대미술 공모전의 수상자를 발표했다. 금상은 판화 설치미술가인 고태화씨, 은상은 비디오와 퍼포먼스 아티스트인 자비에르 차, 그리...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1824 -
MoMA 프랭크로이드 라이트 탄생 150주년 특별전(6/12-10/1)
Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive June 12, 2017–October 01, 2017 Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive is a major exhibition on Frank Lloyd Wright that critically engages his multifaceted practice. Wright was one of...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1534 -
그리스 도기 '베를린 화가' 특별전@프린스턴대 미술관(3/4-6/11)
The Berlin Painter and His World: Athenian Vase-Painting in the Early Fifth Century B.C. First Major Exhibition of One of the Most Admired Artists of the Ancient Mediterranean World PRINCETON, N.J. – The Berlin Painter was the name given by ...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1509 -
링컨센터 페스티벌 발레 '쥬얼(Jewels)' 공연(7/20-23), 파리로열발레 박세은 캐스팅
Lincoln Center Festival Announces Casting for 50th Anniversary Celebration of George Balanchine’s Jewels with Bolshoi Ballet, New York City Ballet, and Paris Opera Ballet Five Performances Only, July 20 – July 23, 2017 NEW YORK, NY (May 17, ...Date2017.05.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2055 -
최우성 개인전 'In-Grid'@KCC갤러리, NJ(5/18-6/9)
Choi Woo Sung: In-Grid May 18 - June 9, 2017 @Korean Community Center, NJ 뉴저지 한인동포회관 KCC 갤러리에서 5월 18일부터 6월 9일까지 최우성 작가의 개인전 'In-Grid'가 열린다. 이번 전시에선 사물의 재현에 집중하는 한국의 미술교육 방식에 많이 ...Date2017.05.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1890