KandP갤러리 5인전 '흔적(Trace)
Trace Aran Lim, Christine Eunji Lee, Gyehyun Kim, June Huh, Yeon Hee Kim Feb. 7-13, 2017 K&P Gallery Opening Reception: Feb. 9 6-8PM 뉴욕 K&P 갤러리가 2월 7일부터 13일까지 ‘Trace: 흔적’ 이라는 타이틀로 5명의 작가들의 그룹쇼를 연다. ...Date2017.02.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2764 -
발렌타인 데이 영화+디너($25) 밀로스 포만 '금발의 사랑'
Loves of a Blonde - Lásky jedné plavovlásky Milos Forman VALENTINE'S DAY SCREENING · PRE-RECEPTION WITH BEER AND PASTRIES OPEN TO ALL TICKET HOLDERS Showtimes: Tuesday, February 14 7:00 PM Buy Tickets Venue: Walter Reade Theater Please sele...Date2017.02.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1358 -
혜민 스님 영문판 '멈추면, 비로소 보이는 것들' 출간
혜민 스님 '멈추면, 비로소 보이는 것들' 영문판 펭귄 출간 The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down HOW TO BE CALM AND MINDFUL IN A FAST-PACED WORLD By HAEMIN SUNIM Illustrated by YOUNGCHEOL LEE Translated by Chi-Young Kim and Haemin Suni...Date2017.02.04 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2809 -
저스틴 전 감독 'GOOK' 선댄스영화제 관객상 수상
2017 Sundance Film Festival Winners GOOK U.S. Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic “I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore” Directing Award: U.S. Dramatic “Beach Rats,” Eliza Hittman Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award: U.S. Dramatic “Ingrid Goes West,...Date2017.02.03 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2311 -
피싸로에서 폴락까지 구겐하임 모던 특별전(2/10-9/6)
Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim Guggenheim Foundation Celebrates 80 Years of Innovation with Presentation of More Than 170 Modern Works by Over 70 Artists, from Camille Pissarro to Jackson PollockExhibition Explores History of Avan...Date2017.02.03 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1386 -
메트뮤지엄 정유년 음력설 축제(2/5)
The Met Hosts Annual Lunar New Year Festival to Celebrate Year of the Rooster Event Date: Sunday, February 5 11 a.m.–5 p.m.Event Location: The Met Fifth Avenue 1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street The Metropolitan Museum of Art will host its ann...Date2017.02.02 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1049 -
줄리아드 패컬티 체임버 콘서트: 캐서린 조(바이올린) 외
Violinist Catherine Cho, Violist Hsin-Yun Huang, Cellist Natasha Brofsky, and Pianist Robert McDonald Perform a Faculty Chamber Music Recital With Works by Haydn, Brahms, and Steven Stucky Thursday, February 2, 2017, at 7:30pm in Paul Hall M...Date2017.02.02 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1662 -
FIT뮤지엄 '파리 패션(1957-68) 특별전(2/10-4/15)
Paris Refashioned, 1957-1968 February 10 – April 15, 2017 @ The Museum at FIT Paris Refashioned, 1957-1968 highlights one of the most groundbreaking time periods in fashion history. While many books and exhibitions about this era position Lo...Date2017.02.02 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1511 -
프랑스 영화와의 랑데부(3/1-12) 라인업
THE FILM SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER AND UNIFRANCE ANNOUNCE THE COMPLETE LINEUP FOR THE 22nd RENDEZ-VOUS WITH FRENCH CINEMA, MARCH 1-12 The Odyssey Featuring new works by François Ozon, Bertrand Bonello, Emmanuelle Bercot, Bruno Dumont, Christ...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2899 -
윤가은 감독 '우리들' 뉴욕국제어린이영화제 초청
NEW YORK INT’L CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 19 윤가은 감독 '우리들' *'우리들' 예고편 https://youtu.be/llqPzrfTWsk *티켓 $13. 뉴욕컬처비트 독자 1매당 $2 할인 코드 17NYCB 2017 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: NEW YORK (January 18, 2017) – Osc...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1750 -
서도호 개인전 '패시지'@빅토리아 미로, 런던(2/1-3/18)
Do Ho Suh: Passage/s Exhibition 1 February – 18 March 2017 Victoria Miro, 16 Wharf Road, London N1 7RW Do Ho Suh’s first exhibition with Victoria Miro will feature new fabric sculptures conceived especially for the galleries, including a wal...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2665 -
구겐하임뮤지엄 특별전 'Mystical Symbolism'
Mystical Symbolism: The Salon de la Rose+Croix in Paris, 1892–1897 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Avenue, New York Dates: June 30–October 4, 2017 (NEW YORK, NY—January 31, 2017)—From June 30 through October 4, 2017, the Solomon R. ...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1869 -
뉴뮤지엄 버추얼리얼리티 전시 론칭
New Museum and Rhizome Launch FIRST LOOK: ARTISTS’ VR A First-of-its-Kind Mobile Virtual Reality Exhibition Featuring Six New Artist Commissions Rachel Rossin, Man Mask, 2016 (still). Stereoscopic 360˚ video. Courtesy the artistNew York, NY…...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1310 -
필립 거스톤 첫 베니스 뮤지엄 전시회
GALLERIE DELL’ACCADEMIA TO PRESENT FIRST VENICE MUSEUM EXHIBITION DEVOTED TO PRE-EMINENT AMERICAN ARTIST PHILIP GUSTON PHILIP GUSTON AND THE POETS Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia 10 May – 3 September 2017 Previews: 8 – 9 May 2017 Venice, ...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views4977 -
메조소프라노 제이미 바튼 2017 비버리실즈 아티스트상 수상
Mezzo-Soprano Jamie Barton Wins the 2017 Beverly Sills Artist Award Jamie Barton Photo: Fay Fox New York, NY (January 31, 2017) – Mezzo-soprano Jamie Barton has been named the winner of the 12th annual Beverly Sills Artist Award for young si...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1486 -
링컨센터 2017-18 시즌 위대한 연주자 시리즈
LINCOLN CENTER ANNOUNCES 2017/18 GREAT PERFORMERS SERIES Baroque Specialist and Beloved Conductor John Eliot Gardiner Opens Season with a Tribute to Claudio Monteverdi, the Father of Opera, With Rare Performances of the Three Surviving Opera...Date2017.02.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1784 -
홀리 윌슨 개인전 'Indisposed Exorbitance'@스페이스 776
Holly Wilson: Indisposed Exorbitance Feb 2 –15, 2017 @Space 776(229 Central Ave., Storefront, Brooklyn) Opening reception Feb 3 Friday 7-9pm ‘Indisposed Exorbitance’ materializes identity as a deranged apparatus that leaks the innermost desi...Date2017.01.31 CategoryCulBeat Express Views960 -
켄트 트리틀 2017 봄 시즌 일정
KENT TRITLE’S SPRING 2017 SEASON: · Organ Recital at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine · Britten’s War Requiem with the Oratorio Society of New York and the Manhattan School of Music Symphony and Symphonic Chorus · Bach, Brahms, Britten w...Date2017.01.31 CategoryCulBeat Express Views821 -
키키 스미스 인물화전@메리라이언갤러리(2/23-4/8)
Kiki Smith Portraits, Celestial Bodies and Fairy Tales (Prints from 1990 through now) February 23 - April 8, 2017 Opening Reception: Saturday, February 25, 4-6PM Mary Ryan Gallery is pleased to present Portraits, Celestial Bodies and Fairy ...Date2017.01.30 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2532 -
링컨센터 30일간 30달러 로터리 행사
LINCOLN CENTER ANNOUNCES “30 DAYS FOR $30” LOTTERY TO OPEN JANUARY 27 Lincoln Center Spearheads Initiative Offering $30 Tickets for Seats in Prime Locations for 30 Days in February and Early March to Performances Presented by Resident Organ...Date2017.01.30 CategoryCulBeat Express Views972