오페라갤러리 NY '메이드인아시아'전(3/14-27)
백남준, 채성필, 천광엽, 김일화, 황란, 이길래, 서영덕, 손봉채 작품 소개 M a d e i n A s i a A C e l e b r a t i o n o f A s i a We e k N e w Yo r k At Opera Gallery, NYC 14 to 27 March 2018 Opera Gallery New York 백남준 “We want to see the ne...Date2018.03.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views648 -
아이슬립미술관 9인전 'East meets West'(3/8-5/3)
East meets West 3/8 - 5/3/2018 Islip Art Museum 오프닝 리셉션 : 3/10/18 (Sat), 1-4pm 참가 작가: Susan Kelly, Dong Kyu Kim, Boy Kong, Sueim Koo, Seung Lee, Stephanie S. Lee, Sui Park, Evan Venegas, Jayoung Yoon 오는 3월 8일부터 5월 3일 까지 ...Date2018.03.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views828 -
2018 아카데미상 수상작(자) full list
The 2018 Oscar Winners: Full List 멕시코 출신 기예르모 델 토로 감독의 '셰이프 오브 워터'가 제 90회 아카데미상 작품상, 감독상, 오리지널 작곡상, 미술상 등 4개 부문상을 수상했다. 남녀 주연상은 '다키스트 아워즈'의 게리 올드만과 '쓰리 빌보드'의 ...Date2018.03.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3446 -
2018 미 독립영화상(Independent Spirit Awards) 수상작(자)
BEST FEATURE “Call Me by Your Name” “The Florida Project” “Get Out” (WINNER) “Lady Bird” “The Rider” BEST FIRST FEATURE (Award given to the director and producer) “Columbus” “Ingrid Goes West” (WINNER) “Menashe” “Oh Lucy!” “Patti Cake$” JOH...Date2018.03.04 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1225 -
MAD 미-멕시코 국경 주제 쥬얼리 특별전(3/1-9/23)
NEW EXHIBITION AT MAD EXPLORES THE COMPLEXITY OF THE US–MEXICO BORDER THROUGH THE INTIMATE MEDIUM OF JEWELRY La Frontera: Encounters Along the Border March 1, 2018 – September 23, 2018 NEW YORK, NY (March 1, 2018) – The Museum of Arts and De...Date2018.03.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views688 -
발레넥스트(BalletNext) 2018 시즌
BalletNext Returns with 2018 Season at New York Live Arts Artistic Director Michele Wiles Returns to the Stage and Creates Four New Works after Year-Long Hiatus Featuring Choreography and Performance with Deaf Dancer, Bailey Anne Vincent An...Date2018.03.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1265 -
밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르 2019
APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN 2019 CLIBURN INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR PIANO COMPETITION AND FESTIVALFOR PIANISTS AGE 13 TO 17 MAY 31–JUNE 10, 2019 • DALLAS, TEXAS ALESSIO BAX, JURY CHAIRMAN The Cliburn invites talented pianists to apply for the Second Cl...Date2018.03.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1010 -
NARS재단 그룹전 'Of Tongues and Hands'(3/2-23)
Freya Powell, A Murmuring, 2018, single channel video, 14:42 Of Tongues and Hands March 2nd - March 23rd Opening reception March 2nd, 6-9 pm Featuring: Lauren Bakst (USA), Isak Berbic (USA), Jose Castrellon (Panama), Jesse Chun (USA), Ryotar...Date2018.03.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views641 -
두산갤러리 뉴욕 박광수 개인전 'Windswept'(3/8-4/7)
Gwangsoo Park Windswept March 8 - April 7, 2018 Opening Reception: Thursday, March 8th, 6-8pm DOOSAN Gallery New York 533W 25th Street, New York, NY 10001 DOOSAN Gallery New York is pleased to present Windswept from March 8th to April 7th b...Date2018.03.01 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1083 -
필라델피아뮤지엄 진 신(Jean Shin): 컬렉션 전시(3/24-7/15)
Jean Shin: Collections March 24—July 15, 2018 Philadelphia Museum of Art The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition dedicated to the work of Jean Shin, a Korean-American artist widely acclaimed for her practice of dramatically tra...Date2018.02.28 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1015 -
데이빗 보위 회고전 'David Bowie Is'@브루클린뮤지엄(3/2-7/15)
David Bowie is MARCH 2–JULY 15, 2018 Brooklyn Museum #davidbowieisbkm Brooklyn Museum Members receive free, priority-access tickets. Special tickets offer priority access. Standard tickets are timed every 15 minutes. All tickets include Senn...Date2018.02.27 CategoryCulBeat Express Views890 -
뉴욕컬처비트 6주년 감사드립니다!
Thank you for supporting NYCultureBeat! 안녕하세요? 뉴욕컬처비트(NYCultureBeat)가 오픈한 지 여섯해가 되었습니다. 2012년 3월 1일 세계에서 가장 흥미진진한 도시, 뉴욕을 즐기실 수 있는 문화 정보를 제공해드리기 위해 시작한 컬빗이 여러분의 성...Date2018.02.27 CategoryPhotoBang Views2159 -
메트뮤지엄 천주교와 패션 특별전(5/10-10/8)
Costume Institute’s Spring 2018 Exhibition at The Met Fifth Avenue and Met Cloisters to Focus on Fashion and the Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Benefit on May 7 with Co-Chairs Amal Clooney, Rihanna, Donatella Versace, and Anna Winto...Date2018.02.26 CategoryCulBeat Express Views923 -
2018 베를린영화제 수상작
루마니아 여성 감독 아디나 핀틸리의 데뷔작 '건드리지마(Touch-Me-Not)'이 2018 베를린 국제영화제 황금곰상을 수상했다. Winners of the 2018 Berlin International Film Festival Golden Bear for Best Film: “Touch Me Not,” Adina Pintilie Silver Bear G...Date2018.02.25 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3210 -
하이라인 도로시 이아노네 작품 전시(3/2- )
Dorothy Iannone: I Lift My Lamp Beside the Golden Door March 2, 2018–March 2019 Next to the High Line at 22nd St. New York, NY (February 23, 2018) — Presented Presented by Friends of the High Line, High Line Art is pleased to announce a new ...Date2018.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1283 -
줄리아드 머스 커닝햄, 트와일라 타프 걸작 공연
Juilliard Spring Dances Features Three Masterworks Merce Cunningham's Sounddance, Crystal Pite's Grace Engine, and Twyla Tharp's Deuce Coupe 5 Performances: March 21-24, 2018 in Juilliard's Peter Jay Sharp Theater NEW YORK --- Juilliard Danc...Date2018.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3599 -
미츠코 우치다 슈베르트 콘서트@카네기홀(2/26, 3/2)
MITSUKO UCHIDA KICKS OFF TWO-YEAR SURVEY OF SCHUBERT PIANO SONATAS WITH CONCERTS IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH AT CARNEGIE HALL Renowned pianist Mitsuko Uchida—deemed one of the great Schubert interpreters of our time—begins a two-year survey of Sch...Date2018.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1680 -
뉴디렉터, 뉴필름 페스티벌(3/28-4/8)
FSLC and MoMA announce the complete lineup for New Directors/New Films March 28–April 8 Matangi/Maya/M.I.A. New York, NY (February 22, 2018) – The Film Society of Lincoln Center and The Museum of Modern Art announce the complete lineup for t...Date2018.02.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views966 -
하임 수틴의 살육동물 전시@쥬이시뮤지엄(5/4-9/16)
Exhibition Focuses on Chaim Soutine's Intense Paintings of Slaughtered Animals Chaim Soutine: Flesh May 4-September 16, 2018 New York, NY, February 20, 2018 - The Jewish Museum will present an exhibition of some 30 paintings by the artist Ch...Date2018.02.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1427 -
소더비 뉴욕 건축가 리처드 마이어 미술전
Sotheby’s S|2 Presents Open to the Public In New York Through 29 March NEW YORK, 22 February 2018 – Sotheby’s S|2 Gallery in New York is pleased to present an exhibition of collages, encaustics and silkscreens by Pritzker Prize-winning archi...Date2018.02.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views907