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Lucian Freud: Works from the UBS Art Collection



Lucian Freud, 'Double Portrait', 1988-90. UBS Art Collection. ©The Lucian Freud Archive. 


정신분석학자 지그문트 프로이드의 손자, 슬픈 누드를 즐겨 그렸던 초상화가 루시안 프로이드(Lucian Freud, 1922-2011)의 전시회가 2월 1일부터 맨해튼 6애브뉴 UBS 아트갤러리에서 열리고 있다. 이번 전시엔 유화 2점 '이중 초상화'(Double Portrait, 1988-90)와 '벌거벗은 소녀의 머리'(Head of a Naked Girl, 1999)를 비롯, 1982년부터 2000년 사이에 제작한 동판화를 대거 소개한다. 


UBS그룹 AG(UBS Group AG)은 1747년 설립된 스위스 은행에 뿌리를 두고 1998년에 설립된 글로벌 금융기업으로 1960년대부터 미술품을 수집해 바스키아에서 이불(Lee Bul)까지 약 3만여점을 보유하고 있다. 2019년 맨해튼 6애브뉴 록펠러센터와 MoMA 인근 본사(1285 Avenue of the Americas @52nd St.) 로비에 UBS 아트갤러리를 마련해 전시를 열어오고 있다. 



*아티스트와 뮤즈 <2> 루시안 프로이드(Lucian Freud)와 여인들 




Lucian Freud: Works from the UBS Art Collection

Discover the artist’s etchings in the latest exhibition at the UBS Art Gallery


February 1, 2024- 

UBS Art Gallery(1285 Avenue of the Americas)



The UBS Art Collection holds more than 50 works by the acclaimed British artist Lucian Freud (1922-2011), representing one of the Collection’s notable pockets of depth. The exhibition at the UBS Art Gallery in New York brings together most of these works and marks the first time they are displayed collectively in the United States.


Lucian Freud is considered one of the most distinguished artists of the last century and the greatest portraitist of his time. While widely recognized as a painter, etchings are integral to the acclaimed British artist’s practice. The artist’s notoriously intense and disciplined approach extended to his process for etching. He would position the copper etching plate upright on an easel, like a canvas, creating his impressions while standing. Also, unlike other artists engaged in printmaking, Freud did not experiment with other techniques such as woodcuts or lithography; his practice was limited exclusively to etchings.


While the subjects of his prints often relate to certain paintings, the etchings were not derivative but created from life during extended sittings. His etchings are thus as intimate as his paintings, their linear constructions and croppings only heightening the sense of inherent tension. The simultaneous boldness and delicacy command our close attention and thought.


The etchings on display in this exhibition were created over the course of 18 years (1982-2000) and represent the most fruitful period of the artist’s graphic production. Marking a prolific phase in Freud's graphic work, the large body of etchings encompass various genres including landscapes, portraits, and nudes. The exhibition will also feature two compelling oil paintings - 'Double Portrait’ (1988–90) and ‘Head of a Naked Girl’ (1999) - that are indicative of his expressive style.


“We are pleased to share with the public this exceptional body of work, which defies perceived norms of corporate collecting,” said Mary Rozell, Global Head of the UBS Art Collection. “Like most of Freud’s oeuvre, the artworks on display are uncompromising and challenging to view, and we hope they will spark both conversation and introspection.”


“Lucian Freud: Works from the UBS Art Collection” is on view from February 1, 2024 at the UBS Art Gallery at 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York.



