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CulBeat Express
2020.06.10 15:15

뉴욕필하모닉 내년 1/5까지 콘서트 취소

조회 수 908 댓글 0

Music Director Jaap van Zweden and the New York Philharmonic Photo: Chris Lee

The New York Philharmonic’s concerts through January 5, 2021, have been cancelled. “While the New York Philharmonic deeply regrets having to cancel our fall concerts, we had no choice,” said President and CEO Deborah Borda. “Our number one concern is the health and safety of our audiences, musicians, and employees. It has become very clear that large groups of people will not be able to safely gather for the remainder of the calendar year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our decision to let the entire Philharmonic family and our public know at this time has been strongly informed by New York State government regulations, along with the advice of medical experts.”

The New York Philharmonic hopes to resume live performances on January 6, 2021. Currently, the Philharmonic is exploring options for concerts in smaller gatherings when possible. Meanwhile, the Orchestra will continue to share broadcasts of past performances and new videos featuring Philharmonic musicians through NY Phil Plays On, offering more than 150 hours of free digital content.

Music Director Jaap van Zweden said: “This has been a challenging time for all of us. My family and I have been at home in Amsterdam and, throughout these very long months, our New York Philharmonic family has been in our thoughts and hearts. I am so looking forward to 2021, when the great musicians of the New York Philharmonic and I can join together through live performances and be reunited with our public.”

Programming for concerts in 2021 is subject to change. For information about donating the value of unused tickets, applying ticket value to a concert that has not been cancelled, or obtaining refunds for the cancelled concerts, ticketholders may visit nyphil.org/health or contact New York Philharmonic Customer Relations at (212) 875-5656 or customerservice@nyphil.org.
