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뉴욕필하모닉이 5월 28일 오후 7시 30분 바이올리니스트 이즈학 펄만과의 협연을 페이스북유튜브로 스트림한다. 

이 콘서트는 1982년 데이빗 진만이 지휘한 콘서트다. 프로그램은 멘델스존, 브람스 바이올린 콘체르토, 비발디의 '4계'로 꾸며졌다. 

New York Philharmonic

May 28 7:30 PM


Itzhak Perlman performs Mendelssohn and Brahms Photo: Courtesy of Great Performances

Two New Facebook and YouTube Broadcasts

Mendelssohn and Brahms Violin Concertos with Itzhak Perlman 



The New York Philharmonic is making available two new broadcasts this week on Facebook and YouTube. This Thursday, May 28 at 7:30 p.m. EDT, the Philharmonic will rebroadcast the 1982 Great Performances episode featuring violinist and Philharmonic Board Member Itzhak Perlman performing the Mendelssohn and Brahms Violin Concertos, conducted by David Zinman; Mr. Perlman also plays and leads the Orchestra in Winter from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. It will be available on-demand afterward. A recently recorded interview between Mr. Perlman and Alec Baldwin will open the broadcast.
