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백색의 걸작 건축물 구겐하임뮤지엄이 끊임없는 잡음에 시달리고 있다. 구겐하임의 전현직 직원으로 구성된 그룹(A Better Guggenheim)이 16일 성차별, 인종차별, , 계층차별, 권력 남용을 해온 관장 리터드 암스트롱, 수석 부관장 엘리자베스 듀갈, 수석 큐레이터 낸시 스펙터의 사임을 촉구하는 서한을 보냈다.
한편, 구겐하임은 올 4월 코로나 팬데믹으로 인한 1천만달러 적자로 92명을 정직처분한 후 9월 16일 추가로 24명을 해고했다. 


A Better Guggenheim is a collective of cross-departmental @guggenheim staff, past and present, united by the aim of dismantling systemic racism and all other toxic workplace behavior at the institution.

On June 29, we sent a letter to the Board of Trustees with the support of 169 signatories. In that letter, we called for, within six months of receipt, the replacement of those members of the executive cabinet who have repeatedly proven that they are not committed to decisive, anti-racist action and do not act in good faith with BIPOC leaders.

Through this community, we have since learned of a broader scope of toxicity than we could have imagined, perpetrated by leadership and extending from years ago through the current triad of crises—COVID-19, a recession, and ongoing police brutality against Black communities.

For this reason, A Better Guggenheim today calls upon the Board to fulfill its responsibility to ensure museum staff are effectively protected through decisive, urgent action:

Director Richard Armstrong, Senior Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer Elizabeth Duggal, and Artistic Director and Jennifer and David Stockman Chief Curator Nancy Spector must immediately resign or be removed from their positions.

For more information on why we believe this action to be necessary, swipe through. The full contents of our statement with hyperlinked citations can be found on our website (link in bio).

The future of the museum and the safety of its staff depend on this action.

Guggenheim Employees Call for Removal of Three Top Executives
