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공공 주택 설계에 이바지해온 프랑스 건축가 커플 안느 라카통과 장-필립 바쌀이 '건축계의 노벨상'으로 불리우는 프리츠커상 2021 수상자로 선정됐다. 


Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal Receive the 2021 Pritzker Architecture Prize



Chicago, IL (March 16, 2021) – Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, of France, have been selected as the 2021 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureates, announced Tom Pritzker, Chairman of The Hyatt Foundation, which sponsors the award that is known internationally as architecture’s highest honor.


“Good architecture is open—open to life, open to enhance the freedom of anyone, where anyone can do what they need to do,” says Lacaton. “It should not be demonstrative or imposing, but it must be something familiar, useful and beautiful, with the ability to quietly support the life that will take place within it.”


Through their design of private and social housing, cultural and academic institutions, public spaces, and urban developments, Lacaton and Vassal reexamine sustainability in their reverence for pre-existing structures, conceiving projects by first taking inventory of what already exists. By prioritizing the enrichment of human life through a lens of generosity and freedom of use, they are able to benefit the individual socially, ecologically and economically, aiding the evolution of a city.



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Straw Hut, photo courtesy of Lacaton & Vassal


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House in Bordeaux, photo courtesy of Philippe Ruault


*대표 건축물



*선정 발표문



*심사위원 평

