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뉴욕시티발레를 창단한 안무가 조지 발란신(George Balanchine, 1904-1983)의 삶을 다룬 코니 호크만(Connie Hochman) 감독의 다큐멘터리 '발란신의 교실에서(In Balanchine's Classroom)'이 맨해튼 필름 포럼(Film Forum)에서 상영된다. 할러데이 고정 레퍼토리 '호두까기 인형(The Nutcrakcers)'에서 '아폴로(Apollo)' '쥬얼(Jewel)'등을 창작한 발란신 스토리. 




The genius of George Balanchine (1904-1983), the man who reinvented ballet for the 20th century, is celebrated in this homage to his nonpareil choreography, the basis of his body of work for the New York City Ballet and the technique taught at the world-renowned School of American Ballet. Some of Balanchine’s greatest stars describe the inventiveness, precision, speed, and musicality he demanded: Jacques d’Amboise (“It’s like I was a pupil of Einstein”), Merrill Ashley (“a privilege of a lifetime”), Gloria Govrin, Suki Schorer, Edward Villella, and Heather Watts (“He was some kind of mad scientist”). Balanchine instilled in each of them an abiding, obsessive love of dance and an almost religious desire to pass along his artistry and vision. The depth of Balanchine’s passion – and theirs – is dazzling, as is much of the never-before-seen footage of him in the classroom.

