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뉴저지 프린스턴미술관(Princeton Museum of Art)이 오는 12월 2일 거주작가 강서경(Suki Seokyeong Kang) 이화여대 교수와의 대화를 줌(zoom)으로 연다. 강서경 교수는 이화여대 동양화과 영국왕립미술학교 회화과 졸업 후 필라델피아현대미술관(2018), 베니스 비엔날레(2019) 등지에서 전시한 바 있다.




Artist Talk: Suki Seokyeong Kang

Thursday, December 2, 2021 @ 5:30 pm


Join South Korean multimedia and performance artist Suki Seokyeong Kang, the Museum’s 2021 Sarah Lee Elson, Class of 1984, International Artist-in-Residence, for a discussion of her practice, which is inspired by Korean court dance and music. Moderated by Curatorial Associate Beth Gollnick. 


Free registration via Zoom here. (when prompted, click to sign in as “attendee”)




This event will include live closed captions in both English and Spanish. English captions are available directly in the Zoom toolbar by clicking the "CC" icon. To access Spanish-language captioning, open Streamtext, where you can select “Spanish” to see the live captioning.


Para acceder a los subtítulos en varios idiomas, ingrese al seminario web de Zoom durante un evento en vivo, luego abra un navegador web separado para visitar esta página donde puede seleccionar "español" o el idioma de su elección.


LATE THURSDAYS! This event is part of the Museum’s Late Thursdays programming, made possible in part by Heather and Paul G. Haaga Jr., Class of 1970. Additional support for this program has been provided by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Curtis W. McGraw Foundation.  




*프린스턴대미술관 '베를린 화가' 특별전, 2017



*프린스턴대미술관 하이라이트 <1> 현대 미국작가 



*프린스턴대미술관 하이라이트 <2> 유럽 컬렉션




