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Open Call for Applications: The 2023 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise

in Biomedical Science and Music

The Vilcek Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2023 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise. The 2023 Prizes will be awarded in two categories: Biomedical Science and Music.
Three prizes of $50,000 each will be awarded in each category to young immigrant professionals whose early-career achievements represent a signficant contribution to their field. The deadline to apply for the 2023 Prizes is June 10, 2022.
As a member of our extended community, we ask for your support in sharing and promoting our call for applications for the 2023 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise with your network.
We encourage you to share this email with your friends and colleagues, and to re-share our posts about the open call for applications on social media.
The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science

The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Music

Selected Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants must have been born outside the United States to non-American parents, and must live and work in the United States.
  • Candidates must have been born on or after January 1, 1984. 
  • DACA recipients, asylees, and asylum seekers are strongly encouraged to apply.
Contact Chief Program Officer Shinnie Kim at creativepromise@vilcek.org with any questions about the prizes or eligibility.