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로스앤젤레스카운티미술관(LACMA)가 오는 11월 5일 박찬욱(Park Chan-wook) 감독과 아티스트 헬렌 파시지안(helen Pashigian)에 헌사하는 아트+필름 갈라를 연다. LACMA의 2022 아트+필름 갈라 공동의장은 영화배우 레오나르도 드카프리오와 에바 초우(Eva Chow)다.  


LACMA Announces 2022 Art+Film Gala Honoring Artist Helen Pashgian and Filmmaker Park Chan-wook 


(Los Angeles, CA—August 2, 2022) The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) announces the date and honorees of its 2022 Art+Film Gala. On Saturday, November 5, LACMA will honor Helen Pashgian and Park Chan-wook. LACMA trustee Eva Chow and actor Leonardo DiCaprio will continue their efforts as the 2022 Art+Film Gala Co-Chairs. Gucci continues its invaluable partnership with the museum as the presenting sponsor of the annual event. Additional support for the gala is provided by Audi. Please see the Press Release for more information.

Image credits: (left to right) photo of Helen Pashgian, courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, and London; photo of Park Chan-wook, © 2022, CJ ENM, all rights reserved

