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추상표현주의 화가 잭슨 폴락과 리 크래스너 부부의 재단 폴락-크래스너재단(Pollock-Krasner Foundation)이 2022년 270만 달러의 보조금을 지급할 예정이다. 폴락-크래스너 재단의 2022 그랜트 수상자는 세계 106인의 작가와 단체에 제공된다. 

평생 공로상(리 크래스너상)은 브라질의 멀디미디어 아티스트 호셀리 카르발류(Josely Carvalho)가 받는다. 한인 작가로는 시카고의 덕주 L. 김(Duk Ju L. Kim)과 김대홍(Deahong Kim)씨가 선정됐다. 





Pollock-Krasner Foundation 2021–22 Artist Grantees and Lee Krasner Award Recipients:

Roya Amigh, Cambridge, MA

Miroslav Antic, West Palm Beach, FL

Anthony Aziz and Sammy Cucher, Brooklyn, NY

Lou Baltasar, Düsseldorf

Monia Ben Hamouda, Milan

David Benarroch, Madrid

Ruth Beraha, Bologna, Italy

Hermes Berrío, Miami

Shane Bradford, London

Kathe Burkhart, New York

Josely Carvalho, New York

Christopher Hart Chambers, New York

Marta Chilindron, New York

Jeane Cohen, Brunswick, ME

Cesar Cornejo, Manchester, UK

Janet Culbertson, Shelter Island Heights, NY

Edith Derdyk, São Paulo

Claudia Desgranges, Cologne

Laddie John Dill, Los Angeles

Kerstin Drechsel, Berlin

Merion Estes, Yucca Valley, CA

Rodney Ewing, San Francisco

Maura Falfan, New York

Jes Fan, Brooklyn, NY

Elisa Filomena, Turin

Anna Franceschini, Milan

Malado Francine, Los Angeles

Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Miami Shores, FL

Ted Gahl, Litchfield, CT

Surya Suran Gied, Berlin

Alison Goodyear, Bedford, UK

Ashok Kumar Gopalan, Kerala State, India

Jude Griebel, Sundre, Canada

Matthias Grotevent, Düsseldorf

Jennifer Gunlock, Los Angeles

Takuji Hamanaka, Brooklyn, NY

Christopher E. Harrison, Brooklyn Park, MN

Saba Hasan, New Delhi

Claudio Herrera, Santiago, Chile

Judith Henry, Brooklyn, NY

Christine Hughes, Ravena, NY

Faiza Huma, Bhopal MP, India

Fox Hysen, Norfolk, CT

Fumi Ishino, Los Angeles

David N. Jackson, Tarboro, NC

Chris Jagmin, Phoenix

Samuel Jeffery, Berkhamsted, UK

Ervin A. Johnson, Chicago

Pantea Karimi, San Jose, CA

Sharon Kelly, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Shila Khatami, Berlin

Duk Ju L. Kim, Chicago

Daehong Kim, Haeundae-gu Busan, South Korea

Christina Kral, Frankfurt

Perla Krauze, Mexico City

David Krippendorff, Berlin

Sandra Lapage, São Paulo

Makode Linde, Berlin

Beili Liu, Austin, MI

Beth Livensperger, Ridgewood, NY

Rita McBride, Los Alamos, CA

Raymond Meeks, Rhinebeck, NY

Christopher Meerdo, Benton, TX

Elias Mendel, London

Stuart Middleton, Glasgow

Lavely Miller, Cambridge, MD

Penny Olson, Vallejo, CA

Bundith Phunsombatlert, Brooklyn, NY

Luisa Rabbia, Brooklyn, NY

Ransome, Rhinebeck, NY

Michael Reafsnyder, Orange, CA

Hunter Reynolds, New York

David Rhodes, New York

Nathaniel Robinson, Brewster, NY

Benjamin Rubloff, Berlin

Rose Salane, Queens, NY

Lynn Saville, New York

Ghita Skali Lami, Amsterdam

Janice Sloane, New York

Harold Smith, Kansas City, KS

Cheryl Ann Thomas, Ventura, CA

Strijdom van der Merwe, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Virginia Verran, London

Leigh Wells, Sausalito, CA

Pedro Wirz, Zurich

Kathy Wright, Sarasota, FL

Caitlin Yardley, London

Vasantha Yogananthan, Marseille, France 


Pollock-Krasner Foundation 2021–22 Organization Grantees:

Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT; support for PKF grantee Milano Chow’s exhibition

ArtTable, New York; support for its Women Artists’ Breakfast and Perspective Series

Artadia: The Fund for Art and Dialogue, Brooklyn, NY; funding for artist award grant

Charlotte Street Foundation, Kansas City, MO; residency program support

Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Provincetown, MA; residency program support

International Studio & Curatorial Program, Brooklyn, NY; residency program funding

Kunsthalle Base; support for PKF Grantee Daniel Turner’s upcoming exhibition

MacDowell, New Yor; support for its residency program

Museum of Arts and Design, New York; support for its residency program

New York Foundation for the Arts, New York; funding for online resources

Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, New York; funding for Charles C. Bergman Fellowship

Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT; support for its residency program

Villa Bergerie, Laguarres, Spain; funding for residency program

Wave Hill, Bronx, NY; support for its artist residency and exhibition program

Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock, NY; residency program artists’ expenses

Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY; residency program funding



