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2022 규장각 해외 한국학 저자특강 제10강


서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원에서 <해외 한국학 저자특강 시리즈: 제10강>을 개최합니다.

제목: Interpreting Modernism in Korean Art: Fluidity and Fragmentation

일시: 2022년 11월 18일 금요일, 10:00-12:00

발표: 변경희 (뉴욕주립대-FIT) & 우정아 (포항공과대학)

사회: 오윤정 (서울대학교)

토론: 이정실 (캘리포니아주립대-롱비치)


본 특강은 영어로 진행되는 온라인 행사입니다. 사전등록 링크를 통해 참가신청을 해주시면 행사 하루 전에 Zoom 접속링크를 보내드립니다.

(사전등록: https://forms.gle/MgCQDDmTZkvsUNoY6)


기타 문의사항은 icks@snu.ac.kr (Tel. 02-880-9378)로 연락주시기 바랍니다.



The International Center for Korean Studies of the Kyujanggak Institute is hosting a Book Talk series, introducing prof. Kyunghee Pyun and prof. Jung-Ah Woo’s Interpreting Modernism in Korean Art: Fluidity and Fragmentation.


Title: Interpreting Modernism in Korean Art: Fluidity and Fragmentation

Date: November 18 (Friday) 10:00 - 12:00 (Seoul)

Editors: Kyunghee Pyun (SUNY-FIT) & Jung-Ah Woo (POSTECH)

Moderator: Younjung Oh (Seoul National University)

Discussant: Jungsil Jenny Lee (California State Univ., Long Beach)


The event will be held online via Zoom. The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent a day before the event after your registration is confirmed (register: https://forms.gle/MgCQDDmTZkvsUNoY6).

Please contact icks@snu.ac.kr (Tel. 02-880-9378) for more information. 


저자: Kyunghee Pyun (SUNY-FIT), Jung-Ah Woo (POSTECH)

저서: Interpreting Modernism in Korean Art: Fluidity and Fragmentation



Interpreting Modernism in Korean Art

Fluidity and Fragmentation

Edited By Kyunghee Pyun, Jung-Ah Woo


Book Description

This book examines the development of national emblems, photographic portraiture, oil painting, world expositions, modern spaces for art exhibitions, university programs of visual arts, and other agencies of modern art in Korea.


With few books on modern art in Korea available in English, this book is an authoritative volume on the topic and provides a comparative perspective on Asian modernism including Japan, China, and India. In turn, these essays also shed a light on Asian reception of and response to the Orientalism and exoticism popular in Europe and North America in the early twentieth century.


The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, the history of Asia, Asian studies, colonialism, nationalism, and cultural identity.


Table of Contents



1. Modernity, Modernism, and the Modern in Korean Art and Culture (Jung-Ah Woo and Kyunghee Pyun);  

Part I: Korean Modernity and Modernism;  2. Korean Art in the Historiography of Multiple Modernities (Kyunghee Pyun);  

3. Modernism and Avant-Garde in Korean Art (Youngna Kim);  


Part II: Inventing a Modern Nation: Visual Culture at the Turn of the Century;  

4. The Search for Modernity in Korean Ink-wash Painting (Mingi Kang);  

5. Royal Propaganda and National Identity in Emperor Gojong’s Portrait Photography (Heangga Kwon);  

6. From Patriotism to Capitalism: Transformation of Korean National Symbols Under Colonial Rule (Soohyun Mok);  


Part III: Visualizing Colonial Modernities;  

7. Modernity and Authenticity in Korean Pictorialism: From Pungsok Painting to Art Photography (Hye-ri Oh);  

8. "Vernacular Modernism" in Korea: Lee Quede’s Hyangtosaek and Yanagi Muneyoshi’s Folk Art Movement (Yeon Shim Chung);  

9. Korea, Last Retreat in Wartime for Murayama Tomoyoshi, a Modernist (Toshiharu Omuka);  


Part IV: Cultural Consumption and Modernism;  

10. Magazine Covers and Colonial Modernity: Politics of the Korean Face (Yuri Seo);  

11. Korean Modernists and the Nangnang Parlour Coffeehouse in the 1930s (Younjung Oh);  

12. Cultural Network in 1930s Korea: Avant-Garde Practices and Individual Artistry (Inhye Kim);  


Part V: Modernism as Ideology: Revision and Appropriation;  

13. Architecture as a Profession in Modern Korea (Hyunjung Cho);  

14. Imitation or Necessity: A Framework for Postwar Korean Art in Contemporary Art Criticism (Chunghoon Shin);  

15. Never a Failed Avant-Garde: Interdisciplinary Strategy of the Fourth Group in 1969–1970 (Sooran Choi);  Epilogue;  

16. Contemporaneity of Korean Contemporary Art (Jung-Ah Woo)


Kyunghee Pyun is Associate Professor of History of Art at the Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, USA.

Jung-Ah Woo is Associate Professor of Art History at the Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea.


