'문라이트' 2017 아카데미상 최우수 작품상 수상, 오스카 수상자(작) 풀 리스트
The 89th Academy Award Winners 마이애미 빈곤가정 출신 청년의 삶을 그린 '문라이트(Moonlight)'가 2017 아카데미상 최우수 작품상을 수상했다. '문라이트'는 이외에도 남우조연상과 각색상 등 3개 부문을 석권했다. 뮤지컬 '라라 랜드'는 여우주연, 감독, ...Date2017.02.27 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2585 -
한인작가 5인전 'Currents In Figuration'@월터 위카이저 갤러리(3/4-29)
Currents In Figuration 김지숙, 남헌우(HuNoo), 유미현, 조유미, 준코리아(June Korea) March 4-29, 2017 Walter Wickiser Gallery 한인작가 김지숙, 남헌우(HuNoo), 유미현, 조유미, 준 코리아(June Korea)씨가 3월 4일부터 29일까지 첼시 월터 위카이저 갤...Date2017.02.26 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1923 -
바이올리니스트 우예주+게이트웨이 오케스트라 협연(3/9)
Gateway Orchestra performs Dvorjak's “The New World Symphony” and Brahms' Violin Concerto with Yezu Elizabeth Woo March 9, 2017, 8:00 pm 우예주 Gateway Orchestra; Ida Angland, conductor; Yezu Elizabeth Woo, violin Program Dvořák (1841-1904)...Date2017.02.25 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1314 -
아트앤디자인뮤지엄 'Mad About Jewelry'(4/4-8)
NEW YORK, NY (February 22, 2017) – From April 4 through 8, 2017, the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) presents LOOT: MAD About Jewelry, the annual exhibition and sale of contemporary art jewelry. Now in its 17th edition, LOOT presents a cros...Date2017.02.25 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1392 -
2017 뉴디렉터즈, 뉴필름즈 (3/15-26)
MoMA and FSLC announce the complete lineup for New Directors/New Films, March 15-26 New York, NY (February 15, 2017) – The Museum of Modern Art and the Film Society of Lincoln Center announce the complete lineup for the 46th annual New Direc...Date2017.02.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views7611 -
오민 개인전 Notations@두산갤러리 뉴욕(3/2-4/6)
Notations Min Oh 3.2 - 4.6 DOOSAN Gallery New York www.doosangallery.com Opening Reception: Thursday, March 2nd, 6-8pm DOOSAN Gallery New York is pleased to announce Notations, a solo exhibition of Min Oh, one of the recipients of the 6th D...Date2017.02.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1643 -
반클라이번 콩쿠르 영화관 라이브 중계(6/10)
2017 CLIBURN COMPETITION LIVE IN CINEMAS!The final two concerts of this year's Competition will be broadcast in theaters nationwide on Saturday, June 10 The Cliburn is thrilled to announce that the final concerto performances of the Fifteent...Date2017.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1830 -
안느 테레사 드 키에스마에커 MoMA 공연
안느 테레사 드 키에스마에커(Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker) MoMA 공연 Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker Reimagines and Significantly Expands Work/Travail/Arbeid for Performances at The Museum of Modern Art NEW YORK, February 23, 2017—The Museum of Mode...Date2017.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1705 -
필라델피아오케스트라 2017-18 시즌 프로그램
Yannick Nézet-Séguin and The Philadelphia Orchestra Announce 2017-2018 Season Yannick Nézet-Séguin’s Sixth Season Spans a Vast Range of Sounds Commissions • Oratorio • Chamber Music • Opera A Crowd-Sourced Celebration of Philadelphia • Broad...Date2017.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1885 -
박리사 뉴뮤지엄 노키아벨 랩 아티스트 선정
Nokia Bell Labs and New Museum Announce Partnership to Support Art and Technology Collaboration NEW INC Members HAMMERSTEP, 박리사 Lisa Park, and Sougwen Chung Selected for the 2017 Program New York, NY…The New Museum and Nokia Bell Labs tod...Date2017.02.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2553 -
영국 로열오페라 '일 트로바토레' 영화 상영(2/28)@랜드마크 선샤인 시네마
A limited number of Original Programs from the theatrical run of IL TROVATORE will be randomly given out in-theatre at every screening, while quantities last. Royal Opera House: Il Trovatore The Royal Opera presents Verdi's tragic masterpie...Date2017.02.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2219 -
한국전통악기 전시회(2/22)@리지필드 한양마트몰
천년의 소리를 만나다 가야금이스트 서라미와 궁중 국악기가 함께하는 2017 한국 전통악기 전시회 사람과 사람의 만남을 인연이라고 합니다. 악기는 어떤 연주자를 만나느냐에 따라 그 소리가 달라집니다. 미국에서 최초로 개최되는2017 한국전통악기 전시회에...Date2017.02.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2100 -
루브르 뮤지엄 '베르메르와 장르 회화의 거장들'(2/22-5/22)
22 February - 22 May 2017 Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 22 October-21 January 2018 Johannes Vermeer, The Milkmaid , ca. 1657-1658. Oil on canvas. 45.5 x 41 cm. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum The M...Date2017.02.20 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1548 -
한인작가 8인전 'Abstract/Abstracted'(2/21-27)
Abstract/Abstracted Feb. 21-27, 2017 Tenri Cultural Institute Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, New York City proudly presents a Group Exhibition Abstract/Abstracted: Manhee Kim, Kangok Cho, Jeesun Mo, Sungmi Kim, Miyoung Park...Date2017.02.20 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2015 -
김은희-이기옥 2인전: Calm in the Moment(2/21-27)
김은희& 이기옥 2인전 Eun-Hee Kim & Ki-Ok Lee Calm in the Moment Feb. 21-27, 2017 @K&P Gallery, NYC 한국에서 활동하는 작가 김은희, 이기옥의 2인전이 오는 21일부터 27일까지 맨하탄 첼시에 있는 K&P 갤러리 (547 West 27th St. #518)...Date2017.02.19 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1885 -
2017 베를린영화제 수상작(자)
The 67th Berlin Film Festival Winners COMPETITION Golden Bear for Best Film On Body and Soul Hungary Dir: Ildikó Enyedi Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize Felicite France/Belgium/Senegal/Germany/Lebanon Dir: Alain Gomis Silver Bear Alfred Bauer P...Date2017.02.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2277 -
2017 조지 런던 성악가 콩쿠르 수상자
WINNERS OF THE 2017 GEORGE LONDON AWARDS ARE ANNOUNCED Michelle Bradley, Aaron Blake, Errin Duane Brooks, Will Liverman, and Lara Secord-Haid Win Top Award of the 46th Annual George London Foundation Awards Competition for Singers New York, ...Date2017.02.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2633 -
MoMA PS1 젊은 건축가상 제니 사빈 스튜디오 수상
JENNY SABIN STUDIO SELECTED AS WINNER OF THE 2017 YOUNG ARCHITECTS PROGRAM LUMEN TO PROVIDE SETTING FOR WARM UP SUMMER MUSIC SERIES AT MoMA PS1 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY - February 17, 2017—Lumen by Jenny Sabin Studio has been named the winner of...Date2017.02.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2163 -
NJSO 베토벤 심포니 7번 콘서트(3/23-26)
New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Xian Zhang present Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony Shostakovich’s First Piano Concerto features pianist Lukáš Vondráček and NJSO Principal Trumpet Garth Greenup Program also features Prokofiev’s ...Date2017.02.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1764 -
메트뮤지엄 복원 페르시아 카페트 전시
Met Museum to Show Six Recently Conserved Classical Persian Carpets Exhibition Dates: March 3–August 27, 2017Exhibition Location: The Met Fifth Avenue, The Hagop Kevorkian Fund Special Exhibitions Gallery Floor 2, Gallery 458 Six small Irani...Date2017.02.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views921