링컨센터 아프리카영화제 NEW YORK AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL(5/10-16)
FILM AT LINCOLN CENTER AND THE NEW YORK AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCE THE COMPLETE LINEUP FOR THE 30TH EDITION, MAY 10-16 Opening Night film Xalé by Moussa Sène Absa and U.S. Premiere of Centerpiece film Hyperlink by Mzonke Maloney, Nolith...Date2023.04.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views370 -
뉴욕미술재단(NYFA) 온라인 경매 Hall of Fame Auction (-4/20)
New York Foundation for the Arts Hall of Fame Auction David Moore Jr., Still Life Abstraction (Napoleon Views Winged Victory Below II), 2022 We're excited to announce this year's Hall of Fame Benefit Auction is now live online! Now i...Date2023.04.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views80 -
조세핀 조 출연 '다이아몬드(The Diamond)' 공연(4/12-23)@프레고네스 시어터, 브롱스
메트뮤지엄 2023 가을 위임작가: Nairy Baghramian, Jacolby Satterwhite
The Met Announces Fall 2023 Contemporary Commissions for the Museum’s Facade and Great Hall • Nairy Baghramian has been commissioned to create new works for The Met Fifth Avenue’s facade niches • Jacolby Satterwhite wi...Date2023.04.10 CategoryCulBeat Express Views64 -
세계 15개국 한인입양인 작가 그룹전 '어머니의 나라, 마더랜드(Motherland)'
'어머니의 나라, 마더랜드(Motherland)' 4/9-12@국회 특설전시장, 4/19-5/2@인사동 마루아트센터 #공식 오프닝 행사와 대동굿 4월 22일 토요일 (상월삼짇날) 오후 2시 @서울 선정릉역 서울중요무형문화재 전수회관, 민속극장 풍류. #해외입양인 예술가...Date2023.04.07 CategoryCulBeat Express Views62 -
안나 김 그림동화책 '단비가 가장 좋아하는 날(Danbi's Favorite Day)' 출간(4/25)
Danbi's Favorite Day Hardcover – Picture Book, April 25, 2023 by Anna Kim (Author, Illustrator) The sequel to the Asian Pacific American Honor winner. Danbi's favorite day is here! Thrilled to invite her friends to celebrate C...Date2023.04.07 CategoryCulBeat Express Views41 -
스탠포드대 한류 컨퍼런스 'The Future of Hallyu'(4/19): 이병헌과의 대화
The Future of Hallyu: Korean Cinema on the Global Stage Wednesday, April 19, 2023 1:00 PM - 5:15 PM (Pacific) McCaw Hall Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center 326 Galvez Street, Stanford University The fifth installment in a special event seri...Date2023.04.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views117 -
시인 칼릴 지브란 드로잉전 'A Greater Beauty: The Drawings of Kahlil Gibran'
A Greater Beauty: The Drawings of Kahlil Gibran Jun 2–Sep 3, 2023 @The Drawing Center Kahlil Gibran, Untitled, 1921. Watercolor and pencil on paper, Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia 레바논 출신 시인, 철학자이며 화가 칼릴 지브란...Date2023.04.05 CategoryCulBeat Express Views95 -
조성진 카네기홀 리사이틀 Seong-Jin Cho Recital at Carnegie Hall(4/12)
Seong-Jin Cho, Piano Wednesday, April 12, 2023 8 PM Carnegie Hall-Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage Seong-Jin Cho by Christoph Köstlin Following two sold-out performances on our largest stage, Seong-Jin Cho returns for his third concert ...Date2023.04.02 CategoryCulBeat Express Views913 -
비틀즈 폴 매카트니 런던 초상화갤러리 사진전 Eyes of the Storm'(6/28-10/1)
Paul McCartney Photographs 1963–64 Eyes of the Storm 28 June – 1 October 2023 National Portrait Gallery, London An unprecedented exhibition, revealing – for the first time – extraordinary photographs taken by Paul Mc...Date2023.04.02 CategoryCulBeat Express Views37 -
밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르 본선 진출자: 홍석영, 김세현, 이서은, 임재욱
Meet the 2023 Cliburn Junior Participants. 248 pianists age 13 to 17 applied, now 38 have been selected to come to Dallas this June to learn from top international artists, make lifelong connections, and share their music with the world! Th...Date2023.03.30 CategoryCulBeat Express Views649 -
2023 하이라인 파크 설치작가 유지(Yu Ji), 가브리엘 찰일리, 바씨라 칸
Baseera Khan, Painful Arc II (Shoulder-High) (rendering). Courtesy of the artist and High Line Art. HIGH LINE ART ANNOUNCES SPRING 2023 ARTWORKS THAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ALONG THE HIGH LINE BEGINNING IN APRIL New York, NY (March 29, 2023)&mda...Date2023.03.29 CategoryCulBeat Express Views254 -
구겐하임뮤지엄 LG전자 큐레이터 노암 시걸(Noam Segal) 임명
기술과 예술, 기업과 문화의 만남. LG가 2022년 구겐하임뮤지엄과 5년간 글로벌 파트너쉽 'Art & Technology Initiatve' 체결로 첨단기술과 문화예술의 융합을 발굴지원하며 브랜드 가치를 높이는데 박차를 가하고 있다. 구겐하임은 LG의 후원으로...Date2023.03.29 CategoryCulBeat Express Views134 -
2023 WKC 독쇼(Dog Show) 한국 4마리, 3천여마리 견공 참가(5/8-9)@플러싱 빌리진테니스센터
OVER 3,000 TOP-RANKED DOGS WILL COMPETE AT THE 147th WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB DOG SHOW HELD AT THE USTA BILLIE JEAN KING NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER, QUEENS, NYC Newly Eligible Breed, the Bracco Italiano, Joins America’s Dog Show New York, ...Date2023.03.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views131 -
바리톤 손형진 2023 메트오페라 콩쿠르 준결승 20인 진출
Metropolitan Opera announces 20 semifinalists in 2023 Eric and Dominique Laffont Competition Semifinalists from the U.S., Cuba, Canada, China, South Korea, and Puerto Rico to perform on Monday, April 17 Selected finalists to compete at the p...Date2023.03.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views133 -
뉴뮤지엄 2026 트리엔날레 큐레이터: 비비안 크로켓, 이사벨라 르제일 임명
New Museum Appoints and Isabella Rjeille as Curators of the Sixth New Museum Triennial in 2026 Image: Left: Vivian Crockett, Photo: Ciara Elle Bryant; Right: Isabella Rjeille, Photo: Vans Bumbeers Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis Director of ...Date2023.03.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views6695 -
여성 와인메이커들과의 시음회(3/31) @Le Dû's Wines , NYC
Women in Wine Grand Tasting To celebrate Women's History Month, we're hosting a Grand Tasting featuring 24 incredible female winemakers from around the world. Join us on Friday, March 31st from 5:30-7:30 for a walk-around tasting pl...Date2023.03.20 CategoryCulBeat Express Views130 -
2023 프리즈 뉴욕(Frieze New York, 5/17-21): 현대, 국제, 티나김, 휘슬 갤러리 참가
제 11회 프리즈 뉴욕(Frieze New York)이 5월 17일부터 21일까지 맨해튼 허드슨야즈의 셰드(The Shed)에서 열린다. 올해는 한인 화랑 갤러리현대, 국제갤러리, 티나김갤러리, 휘슬(Whistle)를 비롯 가고시안, 페이스갤러리, 데이빗즈워너, 하우저&워스, 화...Date2023.03.20 CategoryCulBeat Express Views211 -
이화여대 동문 녹미회 25주년 그룹전 'ROOTS'(3/27-4/2) @One Art Space, NYC
ROOTS NOKMEE New York Group Exhibition in Celebration of its 25th Anniversary March 27 - April 2, 2023 One Art Space (23 Warren St. New York) 오프닝 리셉션: Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 4-7 pm 이화여자대학교 조형예술대학 동창회 녹미회(Nokmee N...Date2023.03.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views152 -
리버사이드 교회 바흐 338회 생일 축하 콘서트 'Bach Birthday Bash' (3/21)
맨해튼 리버사이드 교회가 요한 세바스찬 바흐(Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750)의 338회 생일(3/31/1685)를 맞아 3월 21일 오후 7시 바흐 콘서트 'Bach Birthday Bash'를 연다. 오르간, 체임버 오케스트라, 합창단이 꾸미는 바흐 생일 파티로 연주...Date2023.03.16 CategoryCulBeat Express Views44