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트위터는 경찰이나 법률가가 동반된 법적 조사요청에 트위터리안의 정보를 제공할 수 있다. 이재명 성남시장이 비방에 "제 아내에 대한 인신공격을 멈추어주십시요"라며 징징댈 것이 아니라 명예훼손으로 고소하면, 트위터는 부인 '김혜경씨를 사칭한 것으로 추정(?)되는' 08_hkkim의 정체를 밝힐 수 있을 것. 게임 끝. 또한, 트위터는 사칭한 트위터리안은 영원히 사용 정지 시킨다. 그러나, 08_hkkim는 자폭한 상태. 


Can Twitter give me another account’s information?
Per our Privacy Policy, Twitter does not release account information except as required by valid legal process. If you are working with the police or your lawyer, they will be able to help you with the appropriate and correct legal process for obtaining such information. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them 
and provide assistance for their investigation. You can point law enforcement officials to our Guidelines for Law Enforcement.  https://help.twitter.com/en/safety-and-security/report-abusive-behavior


Report impersonation accounts
Impersonation is a violation of the Twitter Rules. Twitter accounts portraying another person in a confusing or deceptive manner may be permanently suspended under the Twitter impersonation policy.

노무현 & 문재인 대통령과 전라도 주민을 비방하고, 이재명 성남시장의 가족, 측근의 문서를 공개하며, 그와 악성 트윗을 주고받은 08_hkkim는 계정을 삭제했다. 


*가짜 뉴스, 비방, 악성 트윗에 대처하는 방법
How to report an individual message or conversation

1. Click into the Direct Message conversation and find the message you’d like to report. (To report the entire conversation, click the more icon  )
2. Hover over the message and click the report icon  when it appears.
3. Select Report @username.
4. If you select It's abusive or harmful, we’ll ask you to provide additional information about the issue you’re reporting. We may also ask you to select additional messages from the account you’re reporting so we have better context to evaluate your report.
5. Once you’ve submitted your report, we’ll provide recommendations for additional actions you can take to improve your Twitter experience.

Note: Additionally, you have the option of reporting a conversation from a group message.