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백악관이 6/12 북미 정상의 평화회담을 기념해 제작한 주화를 할인판매한다.

Regular Price: $24.95

Deal of the Day Price: $19.95

Commemorative Korea Peace Talks Medallion and Coin

United States and Korea Peace Talks Commemorative Coin from the Only Original Official White House Gift Shop® Est. 1946 by Permanent Presidential Memorandum and Members of U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division

Silouhettes of President Donald J. Trump and North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un

2 1/4" Diameter, 3/16" Thick, Scalloped Edges

Same Designer as WHAC Coin plus a Planned Second Coin in the United States, South Korea, and North Korea Series Described Below and Available Soon


백악관은 또한 미국과 남북한 정상의 핵무기 제어 및 평화회담을 기념하는 크리스마스 장식품을 할인 판매한다.  

Regular Price: $85.00

Deal of the Day Price: $59.00

2018 Official White House Gift Shop Ornament® Commemorates

President Donald J. Trump's Second Year as President and Return of American Hostages

and The United States, South Korea & North Korea Peace Talks

Commemorative with Symbols of All Three Countries and All Three Leaders

Coming Closer to Peace and Celebrates the Act of Communication Among Countries

100 % Made in America

24-Karat Gold Finish on Nickle Plated Brass

3-Dimensional and Dual Sided Christmas & Holidays Ornament

with Five Screen Printed Enamels 

Perfectly Baked Enamels

Custom Made Gift Box
