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치약이 치아 건강에 도움이 되는 것이 아니라 병을 준다면?

최근 치과에서 크리닝(스케일링) 후 타르타르 컨트롤 치약을 추천하길래 CVS 파머시에서 크레스트 프로헬스 어드밴스드(Crest Pro-Health Advanced)를 구입해서 쓰기 시작했다.

그런데, 양치질 후 혓바닥이 얼얼해지면서 불타는 것 같고, 입안에서 하얀 막이 뭉쳐져서 입가로 나왔다. 양치 후에 입안의 박테리아와 나쁜 균들이 청소되는 것일까? 하지만, 크레스트 치약을 쓴 후에는 개운해지는 것이 아니라 입안이 뜨거운 국물에 덴듯하고, 혀에는 통증이 왔다. 잇몸도 시리며, 구토 증세까지 왔다. 무엇 때문일까?

구글 검색해보니, 컨수머어페어 웹사이트 리뷰에서 크레스트는 악명 높은 치약이었다.  838개의 리뷰가 별 하나로 수많은 부작용을 폭로하고 있었다. 앞으로 의약용품을 살 땐 리뷰 찾아 제대로 읽어봐야할듯. 


838 Crest Toothpaste Consumer Reviews and Complaints

-Twice in the past six months, I've experienced a terrible reaction (I believe from Crest Toothpaste) all over and around my lips. Initially, the corners of my lips just cracked, then I developed small bumps and blisters which seeped. The color (pigment) of my lips changed dramatically, appearing much darker and almost blueish/vein-like. The skin aligning my lips also became irritated, burning, chafed and pink.

-I started using Crest Pro Health Toothpaste and stayed with it for two weeks. During that entire time, my lips and the inside of my mouth were sloughing off some disgusting white looking skin. As a rule, I brush a minimum of twice a day and both times daily, the skin would fall off my lips and mouth. I started experiencing some pain in my teeth and they remained sore for the entire two weeks that I used that paste. I complained to P&G and they wrote back saying that it was part of the chemical make up of the toothpaste. It is garbage and in my opinion, not good for your mouth. So buyer beware.

-At night before bedtime, I would brush my teeth with Crest Pro-Health. During my sleep, I could feel a slimy film in my mouth, feels like a hair strand in my mouth and you have to peel if off your gums and that is due to the Crest Pro-Health that I am using. Also, during my sleep and when I wake up in the middle of the night, my mouth is very dry. BELIEVE IT might be due to the Crest Pro-Health that I am using. Has anyone had this problem with Crest Pro-Health, let me know?

-I have used Crest Pro Health Clinical mouthwash and it chemically peeled and damaged the insides of my mouth. My mouth is in pain, and there is white residue (which I think are my burned gums). They also use plastic in their toothpastes.

-I am extremely disappointed with Crest Pro-Health toothpaste. Every time I used it, a thin layer of skin would come off of my entire mouth. The lid on the tube is always in the way, & when squeezing the tube, the toothpaste gets everywhere. The toothpaste is also too liquid. I am a senior & have never in my life submitted a complaint about a product. I will never buy this product & my word of mouth will be against this product. I will, however, still purchase standard Crest Toothpaste. Thank you for hearing my concerns.