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내년부터 할리우드의 권위로 대표되어온 아카데미상(오스카상)에 '인기 영화상(Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film)' 부문이 신설된다.
ABC-TV로 방영된 올 아카데미상 시상식은 역사상 최저의 시청률(2650만명)을 기록하면서 나온 영화예술과학아카데미(회장: 촬영감독 존 베일리)의 자구책이다.    
총 24개 부문에 걸쳐 시상하는 아카데미상 시상식은 너무 길고 지루하다는 비판을 받아왔다. 이에 아카데미 측은 방영시간을 3시간 내로 줄이되 광고가 나가는 동안 편집을 한다는 것. 그러므로, 생중계가 아니다. 
또한, 인기영화상 부문을 신설해서 시청률을 올리겠다는 계획이다. 그러니, '미션 임파시블' '어벤저스' 같은 액션 스릴러도 아카데미상을 받을 수 있다는 이야기. 예술성에 치중해온 아카데미가 엄숙주의, 권위주의를 버리고 신세대 취향으로 전환하며, 상업성/대중성에 굴복하는 셈.

*아카데미상 Vs. 골든 글로브상

다음은 아카데미 회원들에게 보내는 메일 전문

Dear Member,

Last night, the Board of Governors met to elect new board officers, and discuss and approve significant changes to the Oscars telecast.
The Board of Governors, staff, Academy members, and various working groups spent the last several months discussing improvements to the show.
Tonight, the Board approved three key changes:

1. A three-hour Oscars telecast
We are committed to producing an entertaining show in three hours, delivering a more accessible Oscars for our viewers worldwide.
To honor all 24 award categories, we will present select categories live, in the Dolby Theatre, during commercial breaks (categories to be determined). The winning moments will then be edited and aired later in the broadcast.

2. New award category
We will create a new category for outstanding achievement in popular film. Eligibility requirements and other key details will be forthcoming.

3. Earlier airdate for 92nd Oscars
The date of the 92nd Oscars telecast will move to Sunday, February 9, 2020, from the previously announced February 23. The date change will not affect awards eligibility dates or the voting process.
The 91st Oscars telecast remains as announced on Sunday, February 24, 2019.

We have heard from many of you about improvements needed to keep the Oscars and our Academy relevant in a changing world. The Board of Governors took this charge seriously.
We are excited about these steps, and look forward to sharing more details with you.

John Bailey and Dawn Hudson

The Academy later issued an addendum:
While the details for a popular film category are still being finalized, a single film is eligible for an Oscar in both categories — Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film and the Academy Award for Best Picture. The new category will be introduced this coming year, at the 91st Oscars. In creating this award, the Board of Governors supports broad-based consideration of excellence in all films.

Oscars Won't Televise All Awards Live, Adds "Popular" Film Category <Hollywood Reporter>