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한국계 뮤지션 미셸 자우너(Michelle Zauner)가 최근 주간 뉴요커 잡지에 H마트에서 운 이야기를 에세이로 공개했다.
엄마가 한국인인 미셸 자우너는 2016년 글래머 잡지에도 혼혈인으로서 부엌에서 힐링하는 칼럼을 쓴 바 있다. 미셸 자우너는 2014년 엄마(종미)가 암으로 사망한 후 한식이 컴포트 푸드가 됐고, 망치 요리 비디오를 보며 한식 조리법을 배웠다고 고백했다. 죠리퐁이 Jolly Pong!

Crying in H Mart By Michelle Zauner

The winner of our 11th essay contest, Michelle Zauner, shares a story of heartbreak and in-the-kitchen healing.
I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, in a small college town that was about 90 percent white. In my adolescence I hated being half Korean; I wanted people to stop asking, “Where are you really from?” I could barely speak the language and didn’t have any Asian friends. There was nothing about me that felt Korean—except when it came to food.
And when I lost my mother to a very sudden, brief, and painful fight with cancer two years ago, Korean food was my comfort food. She was diagnosed in 2014. 