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NYCB Radar
2018.10.24 12:03

NBC '메긴 켈리' 투데이쇼 취소

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할로윈 흑인 분장 OK 운운으로 비난을 받은 앵커 메긴 켈리가 NBC-TV 자신의 이름을 딴 9시 모닝 쇼 '메긴 켈리 투데이'의 복귀가 불가능해졌다. 메긴 켈리는 지난해 3년-6천900만 달러 계약으로 스카웃됐지만, 가벼운 입으로 불명예 퇴진하게 됐다.

Megyn Kelly will not return to her 9 a.m. program on NBC, the network said, as the host negotiates a likely exit from the NBC airwaves.
The cancellation of “Megyn Kelly Today,” formalized to the show’s staff on Friday, was widely expected after an outcry over Ms. Kelly’s on-air remarks this week asking why it was inappropriate for white people to dress in blackface on Halloween.

메긴 켈리 인종차별 발언 사과
대선 당시 트럼프와의 설전으로 주목받았던 앵커 메긴 켈리가 할로윈에 흑인 얼굴 분장에 문제 없다는 발언을 한 뒤 트위터에 비난이 거세지자 공식 사과문을 발표했다. 메긴 켈리는 산타 클로스가 백인이라고 공언해 구설수에 오른 적이 있다.  

Megyn Kelly apologizes for defending blackface

“You do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween,” she complained. “Back when I was a kid, that was OK just as long as you were dressing as a character.”

Twitter pretty much torched her over that one. Soledad O’Brien, for instance, tweeted: “With a panel of white people. And pretending to not understand the historical roots of the issue (nor bother to raise them). On the ‘Today’ show. Interesting.”

Dear friends & teammates –

One of the wonderful things about my job is that I get the chance to express and hear a lot of opinions. Today is one of those days where listening carefully to other points of view, including from friends and colleagues, is leading me to rethink my own views.

When we had the roundtable discussion earlier today about the controversy of making your face look like a different race as part of a Halloween costume, I suggested that this seemed okay if done as part of this holiday where people have the chance to make themselves look like others. The iconic Diana Ross came up as an example. To me, I thought, why would it be controversial for someone dressing up as Diana Ross to make herself look like this amazing woman as a way of honoring and respecting her?

I realize now that such behavior is indeed wrong, and I am sorry. The history of blackface in our culture is abhorrent; the wounds too deep.

I’ve never been a “pc” kind of person — but I understand that we do need to be more sensitive in this day and age. Particularly on race and ethnicity issues which, far from being healed, have been exacerbated in our politics over the past year. This is a time for more understanding, love, sensitivity and honor, and I want to be part of that. I look forward to continuing that discussion.

I’m honored to work with all of you every day.

