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세계 최고 부자, 아마존 CEO 제프 베조스가 타블로이드 '내셔널 인콰이어러'가 자신을 상대로 협박과 갈취를 했다고 온라인에 폭로했다. 베조스는 로렌 산체스와 바람난 후 타블로이드 '내셔널 인콰이어러'에 폭로되기 일보 직전에 이혼을 선언했었다. 

Jeff Bezos accused the owner of the National Enquirer of "extortion and blackmail" in an extraordinarily personal online post.


No thank you, Mr. Pecker

Something unusual happened to me yesterday. Actually, for me it wasn’t just unusual — it was a first. I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse. Or at least that’s what the top people at the National Enquirer thought. I’m glad they thought that, because it emboldened them to put it all in writing. Rather than capitulate to extortion and blackmail, I’ve decided to publish exactly what they sent me, despite the personal cost and embarrassment they threaten.
