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상하이 쿼텟 바이올리니스트 고소한 이유

소셜미디어 WwChat에 돼지 이모지 부착 제명돼


Shanghai Quartet

뉴저지에 사는 상하이쿼텟의 바이올리스트 이웬 지앙(Yi-Wen Jiang)씨가 소셜미디어에 이모지 한번 잘못 올렸다가 체임버 악단에서 제명되어 소송을 제기했다고 뉴욕타임스가 보도했다.

이웬 지앙씨는 지난 3월 7일 코로나 팬데믹 초기 중국의 소셜미디어앱 위챗(WeChat)에 친구가 올린 미중관계 비디오에 중국어로 이모지를 올렸다. 이것이 확산되면서 중국인을 돼지로 묘사했다, 인종차별이다 등의 비난을 받았다. 

며칠 후엔 천진 줄리아드학교 지점의 강사 자격을 박탈당했으며, 샹하이쿼텟의 웹사이트엔 그가 사임한다는 통지가 올랐다. 또한, 그가 거주 아티스트로 있던 몽클레어대학에서도 제명됐다. 이에 이웬 지앙씨는 상하이쿼텟과 몽클레어대를 대상으로 소송을 제기한 것.

북경의 음악 가정에서 태어난 이웬 지앙씨는 세인트루이스 컨서바토리와 럿거스 대학교에서 수학했다. 1994년부터 상하이쿼텟에서 활동해왔으며, 바드칼리지에서 강의하고 있다. 상하이쿼텟은 첼리스트를 제외하곤 중국계 연주자 3인이 소속되어 있다. https://shanghaiquartet.com


Yi-Wen Jiang


Academic Program Affiliation(s): Bard Conservatory of Music, Bard Conservatory of Music: Violin


Violinist Yi-Wen Jiang was born into a musical family in Beijing where both parents were professional musicians – his father a Concertmaster for over 35 years and his mother a soprano soloist. After hearing Beethoven's violin concerto at the age of three, Jiang understood his life’s path: to become a professional violinist.

His rise in the musical world was meteoric. Jiang made his concerto debut at the age of 17 in Beijing. He won the top prize at the first China Youth Violin Competition, paving the way for him to study with Professor Han Li at the Central Conservatory of Music. Afterward, he received a full scholarship from McDonnell-Douglas at the St. Louis Conservatory, and moved to the U.S. in 1985 to study with Taras Gabora and Michael Tree. After St. Louis, he enrolled in the graduate programme of Rutgers University, where he studied four years with Arnold Steinhardt. Jiang credits Steinhardt with having the most influence on his playing, followed by highly influential master classes with Pinchas Zuckerman. After his prize-winning performance at the Montreal International Competition, he appeared as a soloist with the Victoria Symphony and Montreal Symphony, and was featured at many international music festivals by the age of 22.

In 1994 Jiang joined the Shanghai Quartet and over the next 26 years performed over 3000 concerts in 37 countries. Innumerable collaborations with eminent artists included the Tokyo, Juilliard, and Guarneri Quartets; cellists Yo-Yo Ma and Lynn Harrell; pianists Menahem Pressler, Peter Serkin, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, and Yuja Wang – many of whom became lifelong friends. The ensemble featured at many of Europe’s and North America’s most prominent music festivals.

Active as a composer, Jiang has arranged dozens of pieces for string quartet and other instruments, many of which marry Eastern repertoire with Western influence. The most famous of these arrangements is a collection of Chinese folk songs called Chinasong, featuring music arranged by Jiang reflecting on his childhood memories of the Cultural Revolution in China. The set of 24 pieces was recorded by the Shanghai Quartet with Eugenia Zuckerman and released on the Delos International label in 2002. In 2018, 38 of these arrangements were published by Flower City Publisher in Guangzhou.

Jiang is Artist-in-Residence at the John J. Cali School of Music at Montclair State University and also teaches on the faculty at The Bard College Conservatory of Music.


 A Violinist Lost His Seat and His Job. He Blames China

In a lawsuit filed in New Jersey, a former member of the well-known Shanghai Quartet said he had been dumped after a remark he made on social media was misinterpreted as an ethnic slur.

