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주유소 운영하며 추수감사절 푸드 드라이브 선행

마운틴뷰 브리지 '백인숙 다리(Insook Baik Bridge)로  



백인숙(가운데)씨와 게란 타르 하원의원, 송명근(David Song) 보좌관. https://www.instagram.com/gerantarr


미국에서 처음으로 한인 이름을 딴 다리 '인숙백 브리지'(Insook Baik Bridge)가 알래스카주 앵커리지시에 생긴다.


백인숙(71)씨는 1981년 뉴욕서 앵커리지로 이주한 후 주유소 마운틴뷰 셸 스테이션(Mountain View Shell station)를 운영하며 지난 10년 동안 추수감사절마다 어려운 이웃에게 무료로 음식을 제공해왔다. 총 900회의 식사를 대접한 것으로 추정된다.


인숙백 브리지로 명명될 다리는 마운틴 뷰의 글렌하이웨이(Glenn Highway)를 브라고 스트릿(Bragaw Street) 선상의 이름 없는 다리다. 


올초 게란 타르(Geran Tarr, 민주당) 알래스카주 하원의원과 톰 비기치(Tom Bigich, 민주당) 상원의원이 법안을 발의하면서 '백인숙 브리지' 프로젝트가 시작됐다. 게란 타르 의원의 보좌관 데이빗 송(David Song, 송명근)은 청원 웹사이트 change.org 에서 이 프로젝트를 추진해왔다. 이후 TV 생중계 등 심사를 거쳐 최근 상원까지 통과했다. 


연합뉴스에 따르면, 앵커리지시는 내달 7000달러를 들여 간판을 부착하고, 명명식을 진행할 계획이다. 



SB 212: "An Act naming the Bragaw Street overcrossing of the Glenn Highway the Insook Baik Bridge."

                           SENATE BILL NO. 212                                                                          

 "An Act naming the Bragaw Street overcrossing of the Glenn Highway the Insook Baik                                      


 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA:                                                                

    * Section 1. AS 35.40 is amended by adding a new section to read:                                                  

            Sec. 35.40.223. Insook Baik Bridge. The Bragaw Street overcrossing of the                                  

       Glenn Highway located in Mountain View in Anchorage is named the Insook Baik                                      





Representative Geran Tarr

House Bill 357 Sponsor Statement

"An Act naming the Bragaw Street overcrossing of the Glenn Highway the Insook Baik Brige"


House Bill 357 is the result of a months-long collaborative process between the community councils and constituents in House District 19. Recently, constituents brought to our attention that the Bragaw St. overcrossing of the Glenn Highway in Mountain View was unnamed. Community leaders believed that this would be a good opportunity to honor a local figure who has contributed to the fabric of the neighborhood, so our office collaborated with the community councils in order to compile a list of potential honorees in our district. We had a final list of 7 community members who have given time, money, and energy to better their neighborhoods, and we publicized this list to get community feedback.

After several weeks of surveying and many responses the neighbor we are recognizing is: Insook Baik, the owner of the Mountain View Shell gas station and 35-year resident of Anchorage. In addition to being a key member of her faith and the Anchorage Korean-American community, Ms. Baik has gained statewide recognition for the last decade due to her annual Thanksgiving meal drive.


Every Thanksgiving, Ms. Baik gives back to her community by preparing and serving hundreds of hot meals to anyone who visits her business. This past year, the Mt. View Shell estimated that they served 900 meals to neighbors in Anchorage. Her generosity has been documented by the Anchorage Daily News multiple times, and when reporters asked her son about the reason for her Mountain View meal drive, his response was, “She's fallen in love with the community here. It's one of the few places where people will give their last dollar to each other. I think that pulls at her heartstrings."


Ms. Baik’s generosity and love for her community reflects the best of Mountain View, a diverse neighborhood where individuals of so many different backgrounds come together. Her kindness deserves recognition, so I would greatly appreciate your support in passing HB 357.

