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사회운동가로서의 미술가들

An Incomplete History of Protest: Selections from the Whitney’s Collection, 1940–2017

Aug 18, 2017–Aug 27, 2018

Whitney Museum of American Art


Edward Kienholz, The Non War Memorial, 1970. Military uniforms, acrylic vitrine, seeds, sand, wood, metal, book, dimensions variable.


Kara Walker, Confederate Prisoners Being Conducted from Jonesborough to Atlanta(from left to right)/ Alabama Loyalists Greeting the Federal Gun-Boats/ Exodus of Confererates from Atlanta, From the portfolio Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), 2005


Mart Bradford, Constitution III, 2013, Found and cut paper and acrylic on canvas


Annette Lemieux, Black Mass, 1991. Latex, acrylic


General Idea, AIDS, 1988, Rear-illuminated colr film transparencies

Section Themes: 

-Resistance and Refusal

-Spaces and Predicaments

-Stop the War

-No Idle Gesture

-Mourning and Militancy

-Abuse of Power

-The Usable Past


AA Bronson, Felix Partz, June 5, 1994, 1994/1999


John Ahearn*/ Emma Amos/ Rudolf Baranik/ Andrea Bowers/ Mark Bradford/ AA Bronson/ Paul Burlin/ Andrew Castrucci*/ Paul Chan and Badlands Unlimited/ Mel Chin/ Larry Clark/ Sue Coe*/ William N. Copley/ Allan d'Arcangelo/ Bruce Davidson/ Richard Deagle*/ Jane Dickson*/ Louis H. Draper/ Melvin Edwards/ Chris "Daze" Ellis*/ Larry Fink/ Vincent Gagliostro*/ Ja'Tovia Gary/ Theaster Gates/ General Idea/ Jeffrey Gibson/ John Giorno*/Leon Golub/ Felix Gonzalez-Torres/ Avram Finkelstein/ Hermine Freed/ Gran Fury/ Nancy Grossman/ Group Material*/ Guerrilla Girls/ Keith Haring/ Hock E Aye VI Edgar Heap of Birds/ Charles B. Hinman/ Jenny Holzer*/ Rashid Johnson/ Mary Kelly/ Edward Kienholz/ Barbara Kruger*/ Suzanne Lacy/ Annette Lemieux/ Glenn Ligon/ Fred Lonidier/ Daniel Joseph Martinez/ John "Crash" Matos*/ Josephine Meckseper/ Julie Mehretu*/ Toyo Miyatake/ Donald Moffett*/ Peter Moore/ Frank Moore*/ Robert Morris/ Senga Nengudi/ Louise Nevelson/ Gordon Parks/ Irving Petlin/ Howardena Pindell/ Carl Pope/ Ad Reinhardt/ Marlon Riggs/ Faith Ringgold/ Tim Rollins and K.O.S./ Kay Rosen*/ Martha Rosler/ Dread Scott/ Gary Simmons/ Jaune Quick-to-See Smith/ Jack Sonenberg/ Nancy Spero*/ Tom Starace*/ May Stevens/ Carol Summers/ Mierle Laderman Ukeles*/ Kara Walker/ Joseph Wolin*/ Martin Wong*/ Adja Yunkers

Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevoort Street, New York
개관 시간: 일, 월, 수, 목요일 오전 10시 30분-오후 6시, 금, 토요일 오전 10시 30분-오후 10시, *화요일 휴관 
입장료: $25(성인) $18(노인/학생) 무료(18세 이하), *맘대로 내세요(금요일 오후 7-10시) http://whitney.org

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