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2023 Cliburn International Junior Piano Competition

홍석영(15) 밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르 우승

17일 달라스심포니와 라흐마니노프 파가니니 주제 협연


<Update> 홍석영(15)군이 2023 밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르에서 1위를 석권했다. 상금은 1만5천달러. 홍군은 관객상(상금 500달러)도 부상으로 받았다. (2023. 6. 17)



밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르 2위는 중국의 오일범(왼쪽부터), 1위 홍석영, 3위는 체코 출신 얀 슐마이스터. [credit: Ralph Lauer]


2023 Cliburn International Junior Piano Competition and Festival

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Winners Announced

After 12 days of thrilling competition at Caruth Auditorium at SMU and this afternoon's Final Round Concert with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and conductor Valentina Peleggi at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center, the winners of the 2023 Cliburn International Junior Piano Competition and Festival were announced on Saturday evening.


The Winners


#Bernice Gressman Meyerson First Prize

cash award of $15,000

Seokyoung Hong 홍석영, 15, South Korea


홍석영군은 서울에서 태어나 7살 때 피아노를 시작, 음악영재아카데미에서 피아노와 작곡을 공부했다. 금호영재로 예원학교에 다니다가 2022년 보스턴의 월넛힛음악학교에서 수학 중이다. 올 1월 뵈젠도르퍼&야마하 USASU 국제 피아노 콩쿠르(Bösendorfer and Yamaha USASU International Piano Competition) 주니어 부문에서 우승했다. 


#Shirley Cox McIntyre Second Prize

cash award of $10,000

Yifan Wu 吴一凡, 14, China


#The Horchow Family Third Prize

cash award of $5,000

Jan Schulmeister, 16, Czechia


Each finalist will also receive $2,500 scholarships that must be spent toward furthering their musical advancement.


Other Awards


#Audience Award

cash award of $500

Seokyoung Hong 홍석영, 15, South Korea



cash awards of $2,500 each

Zihan Jin 金子涵, 14, China

Modan Oyama 大山桃暖, 17, Japan

Zhonghua Wei 魏中华, 14, China



밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르 최종 결선에 진출한 중국의 오일범(왼쪽부터), 홍석영, 체코 출신 얀 슐마이스터. [credit: Ralph Lauer]


2023 밴클라이번 주니어 콩쿠르(Cliburn Junior Competition) 최종 결선에 홍석영(Seokyoung Hong, 15)군이 진출했다. 홍석영군은 체코 공화국의 얀 슐마이스터(Jan Schulmeister, 16), 중국의 오일범(Yifan Wu 吴一凡, 14)과 17일 오후 2시 30분 텍사스주 포트워스의 Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Cente에서 열릴 결선에서 대결하게 된다.


이들은 결선에서 발렌티나 펠레기(Calentina Peleggi)가 지휘하는 달라스 심포니 오케스트라와 협연한다. 슐마이스터는 생상, 오일범은 쇼팽, 홍석영은 라흐마니노프의 파가니니 주제에 의한 광시곡 작품번호 43을 마지막 순서에서 협연한다. 시상식은 오후 6시. 결선 실황


한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드

#25 K-클래식: 정경화에서 임윤찬까지 콩쿠르 강국 The Korean Musical Mystery 
피아노, 바이올린, 첼로, 성악, 작곡...한인 클래식 연주자들은 최근 20년간 세계 3대 콩쿠르와 밴클라이번 콩쿠르를 휩쓸었다. 4년마다 텍사스에서 열리는 '피아노 올림픽' 밴클라이번 에선 2017(선우예권), 2022(임윤찬) 연속 한인들이 우승을 차지했했다. 퀸 엘리자베스 콩쿠르가 열리는 벨기에의 감독 티어리 롤로는 콩쿠르 강국 한국에 관한 다큐멘터리 '한국 클래식의 수수께끼(The Korean Musical Mystery, 2012)'를 연출했다. 






Followed by the Awards Ceremony.




Jan Schulmeister, 16, Czechia – SAINT-SAËNS Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, op. 22

Yifan Wu 吴一凡, 14, China – CHOPIN Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, op. 11




Seokyoung Hong 홍석영, 15, South Korea – RACHMANINOV Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, op. 43



#Seokyoung Hong 홍석영 (Age 15, South Korea)


“I hope to be a pianist that can remind and somehow transfer the audience’s own personal stories. From those reminded experiences, I hope they find happiness, relief, and even nostalgia. Beyond thinking about the stories from the past, I also hope they can imagine lots of things while and after listening to my performance.”


Seokyoung Hong has had several first or second-place finishes at international competitions in Korea, Switzerland, and the United States. Following two years at the Yewon School in his native Seoul, he moved to Boston in 2022 to study piano at the New England Conservatory Preparatory School with HaeSun Paik while also attending the Walnut Hill School for the Arts. He’s found himself inspired by his new environment: “Nature inspires me in various ways—its huge size, marvelous detail, the beauty of nature itself, and a lot more. For instance, the enormous entities like the ocean and the universe motivate me but also make me feel that I am only a small human.” Seokyoung finds inspiration and motivation from the two most recent winners of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, South Krorea’s Yekwon Sunwoo and Yunchan Lim, which was part of his motivation for taking part in the Cliburn Junior. He also hopes to develop his piano playing and artistry, as well as to build experience performing for large audiences. His interest in composing leads him to constantly study, he says, but he also enjoys riding his bike, playing chess, and participating in the table tennis club at school.


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#Jan Schulmeister (Age 16, Czechia)


“Music is a passion for me. It has the power to affect all movements of the mind, to enchant, to bewitch. Thanks to it, I can speak to people without words, but with the greatest urgency.”


Jan Schulmeister belongs to the sixth generation of the Černý-Schulmeister family, well-known in Czechia for musical ability, and began studying piano with his mother, Martina Schulmeisterová, and Eva Zonová at the age of 5. When he was 7, he started participating in competitions, to remarkable results. He has taken home more than 30 first place or other extraordinary awards, both in his home country and at international competitions in Italy, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, Austria, North Macedonia, and the United States. In 2018, he became the youngest member of the Petrof Art Family, under which he has recorded two CDs. Jan currently continues his studies with Martina Schulmeisterová at the Conservatory of P. J. Vejvanovský Kroměříž, and also takes lessons with Alena Vlasáková at the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno, Czech Republic, and Ewa Kupiec of the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, Germany. He has a passion for music education and finding innovative ways to reach younger audiences through concerts: “Together with appropriate explanations from me and from their teachers, we can make the ‘musical stories’ more accessible to them. I am always pleased with the subsequent reactions and interesting questions.” Outside of the practice room and stage, he enjoys reading about music history and astronomy, as well as recreational target shooting.



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#Yifan Wu 吴一凡 오일범 (Age 14, China)

“With its unique magic power and fascination, classical music is a treasure for our generation, and it waits for us to explore its beauty. It provides us with opportunities to reflect on ourselves and the world. It involves human history, emotions, artistry, which are shared by people around the world. Though we don’t speak the same language, we are touched by the same piece of music. It helps unite people of my generation together and encourages us to strive for peace and love.”


When he was very young, Yifan Wu’s grandmother would play the piano for him, and his mother shared this same passion for music. He started lessons when he was 4 and began to fall in love with the piano. At age 9, he was admitted to the Music Middle School Affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he has been awarded scholarships each academic year. He says his teacher, Ting Zhou, taught him “to learn music enthusiastically. Now music brings me happiness and gives me greater motivation to learn it further.” He made his recital debut at Steinway Hall in his native Shanghai and his concerto debut with the Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra, both in 2019.  A laureate of several national Chinese competitions, including four first-place finishes, he has not competed since 2018, making the Cliburn Junior his first in five years. He comes to Dallas seeing it as “a good opportunity to improve my piano skills, have a further understanding of music, and most importantly, tap my artistic potential.” Yifan is involved in his school’s badminton club—with weekly matches and/or lectures about the sport—and community cycling team. He also enjoys reading and camping.


